Reviews for Cranberry Punch
twilightromance4ever chapter 12 . 4/4
Pretty good story :)
Arata Meian chapter 5 . 8/10/2018
That's not really what happened and the real story was so much more dangerous and dramatic. I still like it thought because its fluff.
Freefan1412 chapter 8 . 1/11/2014
"every career choice had sounded like freedom comparing to living with his father. Crazy old man." The irony was so thick I could practically cut it. The best thing being that Garp didn't even realize it. Funny that. xd
Freefan1412 chapter 4 . 1/11/2014
Genius, this chapter. Genius. Snegoku was one of the most influential men in the world and even higher on the list of people-with-responsibility and as if that wasn't already difficult enough with all the paperwork and all the thousands of different issues that needed to be addressed yesterday, then a family like them came along. The worst thing wasn't even the individual incidents they caused, but the again-and-again-and-the-last-isn't-over-yet repetition and the this-is-ten-times-worse-than-the-last. That poor man. xd
(I'd feel sorry for him were it not for a certain war that he was the commander of. As far as I'm concerned it serves him right...)
Writing bunny chapter 4 . 1/8/2012
Good chapter. I just had to pity Sengoku.
KiaCoral chapter 3 . 8/16/2010
hahahahahahahaha, this is good! XD
Mesonoxian chapter 10 . 3/30/2010
Great fic! I love all the chapters!
Katzztar chapter 8 . 1/12/2010
Aw, I love Garp's softness for his family. Too bad in recent chapters Oda had him punch Marco AWAY from Ace, stopping the Phoenix's attempt to free the Firefist.
Katzztar chapter 7 . 1/12/2010

Damn it I'm laughing too hard to type. it's taken me three tries to type that first sentence!

And everyone was in character too!
Katzztar chapter 4 . 1/12/2010
" the blessing of some marine-hating goddess, the whole Monkey family was annoyingly significant leaders, in their own fields."

XD Loved the 'marine-hating goddess' quote. I hope to see it more often. Ya know, since we know little about religion in the OP world, there COULD be a goddess that hates marines...well any goddess that presides over merfolk, fishfolk or pirates would fit!
Katzztar chapter 3 . 1/12/2010
And outside that thoery is Usopp. HE does have a healing ability. I think he has a regenrative ability, like Wolverine of the X-Men.

There's the fight against Mr.4, his gun-dog (gun merged with devil fruit dog model:Dashound)Lasso & Ms Merry Christmas. Not only did he get hit by several explosions from Lasso,but ran through a thick stone wall by Ms x-mas, and hit in the face by a 4-ton bat by Mr4. Ms. Merry X-mas said he should have been dead by the hit alone.

Then there's the Water 7 and Ennis Lobby. Usopp was mobbed by the Frank Family, received a 2nd beating from them their leader, Franky. Hours later at evening, had a fight with Luffy & got punched in the gut. The next evening is whenn CP9 arrested Usopp and Franky, Lucci personly beaten Usopp for info. Then the Strawhats attack Ennis Lobby, Usopp gets to the roof of the Tower of Justice (after Zoro/Kaku fight cuts building in half and top slides off kilter) to snipe off the escort guards that were to take Robin. Once buster call tries to hit tower, Usopp jumps off. No one catches him, short time later, on the bridge, he's standing agian and fighting.

When you look at all the chapters, from landing on Water 7 to the battle with CP9, those events happened in around 48hrs
Katzztar chapter 2 . 1/12/2010
XD I can see Kidd reacting like that to the news of Luffy breaking into Impel Down.
Katzztar chapter 1 . 1/12/2010
Ah, loved Dragon's POV. Dragon must be so proud with recent events of teh Whitebeard War...reporters on Shaboney (never can spell it!)know that Luffy is Son of the Dragon now and has called in to thier offices to get the news out ASAP.
Darth Luffy chapter 10 . 1/12/2010
great story, i think you captured Nami's(or for that matter the whole crew's) state mind perfectly

like you i have been thinking that it wasn't exactly an illness that killed Roger but his own disregard for his life that eventually killed him,

the line at the end was great, nami worried that luffy might be overexerting himself and meanwhile he's practically being suicidal in his battles, i have no doubt that the next arc will see luffy ina much weakened state with the rest of the crew having to protect him after all the havoc he's unleashed on his body
Ripedeath chapter 10 . 1/12/2010
wow a nice story
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