Reviews for Shake It Off and Move On
NoilyPrat chapter 1 . 12/13/2014
I like where you pick up - Dean doesn't answer Zach's question - to them being brothers once more. I like the idea that Cas offered a deal to Dean, and in his hopelessness, he accepted. Better than being "screwed over" like the show. Love the fact Dean went hunting after Sam, and Sam went hunting after Dean. Love the fact "Home" was in B5. Funny, with the idea of what they were wearing, and how it didn't fit their lifestyle. Wonder if Sam burned that shirt? LOL! chapter 1 . 6/23/2013
Wished we had seen this in the episode, you do the best tags. Now I want to go back and watch the episode again!
sapphireswimming chapter 1 . 4/16/2013
Awesome segue into and out of the events of that episode. You explained everything really well and put it into a context that makes everything even that much better. Wow. Love it.
Lisa O'Brien chapter 1 . 7/3/2010
This is such a great "fill in the blanks" for On the Head of a Pin and It's a Terrible Life. They were each great episodes, but this makes them fit together and make a lot more sense.

You do such a great job with all of the characters, managing to get their voices just right in the narrative and dialog.

Whilom chapter 1 . 12/21/2009
You always seem to have segues to show how the episodes slide from one to the other. They're never blocked chunks of time for you-there's always something, like Castiel coming to Dean to give him the alternate reality of Smith and Wesson, to carry from one episode to the next. Which is why your stories are basically canon for me. ;) Great job.
Liafrombrazil chapter 1 . 8/18/2009
Many people can take an idea or subject and give you facts, but a great writer like you also shows heart behind the words.

This tag was perfect. I love how you explore past episodes (excellent memories from IMTOD) and show why Dean gave up long before this "dream" and "part of him had fought not to go back".

That's so great that old Dean's back, though, "Now he just needed to make sure Sam was all right". So was Sam making the same decision - "not let his brother go without a fight".

I loved the touchful moments when Dean recalls Sam desperately trying to bring comfort to him.

I'm glad that home means the Impala and the brother for both of them.

This is full of insigthful ideas, like a little of old Sam, missing the normal side of life and Castiel offering a choice to Dean.

I really loved Dean preferring Sam's present instead of the fancy Rolex.

As always each sentence is inspired work. I picked this one: "If it came to that in the end, if he had to sacrifice everything to save the world, he hoped Dean would be able to save him, because Sam didn’t want to lose this."

Thank you!
amyblair chapter 1 . 8/13/2009
I adore the title of this.

Thanks for writing this. This is exactly what the doctor ordered.
Nana56 chapter 1 . 8/12/2009
You always know what I want to read. :D

I'm glad to finally get the chance to sit down with this one. Lots of education for both of them and then being honestly HAPPY to be back together.

Nice. :)
hpsupernaturalfan chapter 1 . 8/10/2009
I really liked this. It makes you wonder what might have been going through their minds after they got their memories back.
donilou2 chapter 1 . 8/10/2009
I really wish a tag like this had been added to the episode K!

You're so good at clearing up those little loose ends in a way I find thoroughly enjoyable and I really appreciate you taking the time to do it for us.

IheartSam7 chapter 1 . 8/7/2009
that was intense. I really like your interaction with Castiel. A nice addition to the show, and to your writing! You write the boys so well interacting with each other, and now with Cas too. Nice work.
irismay42 chapter 1 . 8/7/2009
Fantastic way to fill in some of the gaps from the ends of both OTHOAP and It's A Terrible Life! I do like the idea of the angels putting the boys in that situation as a lesson for Sam too - and that the lesson he learned was that, really, Dean wasn't holding him back or slowing him down. And I liked how you had Castiel come talk to Sam for a change and make sure the boys found each other - both literally and figuratively!

I've now decided this story is canon and is what actually happened during those missing times!
Supernoodle chapter 1 . 8/7/2009
Okay, so I've been slowly working my way through all your fics and they just get better and better. I love episode tags, and I love complete, 1 chapter fics, and I pretty much just love everything you write.

I think you have a very unique take on the episodes and make me think about them in a different way. You always manage to get a little bit of H/C in there too and the boys are always spot on character-wise.

Please continue to write these brilliant little stories. I will always enjoy reading them.

Scullspeare chapter 1 . 8/7/2009
What a fantastic tag; it was a treasure trove of answers to questions raised by It's a Terrible Life and On the Head of Pin.

From IATL: Loved your solutions to how Sam got his memory back, how the two brothers reunited, what happened to the Impala, what happened to their apartments, etc. Really loved your description of Sam's place. *g* Stylistically, the back and forth between each brother's perspective was really effective, too.

You absolutely nailed Zachariah's voice; he creeped me out here as much as he did in the show.

From OTHOAP: Loved getting Sam's perspective on Dean in the hospital, and seeing the (devastating) emotional fallout from Dean's conversation with Castiel. It made for a fantastic transition between the two episodes.

A really wonderful read. Thank you.

Cheers, Sculls
Landwing chapter 1 . 8/7/2009
I really enjoyed this. I took a stab at piecing the time frame between this episode and the previous one together, but I'm not sure it covers everything so well as yours does. One point you hit very nicely on the head was Dean's despair. He was so crushed and at absolute rock bottom that he didn't even know how to look up. It took a form of divine intervention to remind him that there was an actual up to look for, and I think you expressed that very well. Plus, I had been wondering what Sam Wesson did after he went to town on his bobble head thing and after Dean Smith had rejected him. And I'm glad I'm not the only one who wondered why Madison and not Jessica. Well done yet again.
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