Reviews for We Could Be Heroes II: Heroes Come Back
billyjbradshaw chapter 1 . 5/30
I know I should feel sorry for Ichigo...but I don’t. That bastard killed her brother.
Orihime-18 chapter 12 . 5/6
At long last I was able to finish the story hehe and all the stories..I’m glad gin survived :)..the last chapter was perfect.,the ending was amazing..the picnic was adorable.,.its 10/10 perfect..the story..happy family that is..happy coz indeed a happy ending..again I’m thankful on all your awesome ichihime stories author sama/ blitch sama..i read them all..just wait for the update for those unfinish ones :)..hopefully u will find time to complete :)..god blessed and than u so much :)
Orihime-18 chapter 8 . 5/6
Ichi jelous to hanatarou haha..the scene ichigo finally knows , sees and touches his baby girl and realizing that he’s a father was the most precious moment hehe though he has doubt at first if he’s a father deym it Ichigo ur the only one hime hav ur the love other life. But seeing the eye and touching her he knows already,,so wonderfully written moments now a happy family...hurray.,though there’s pending danger but u can beat ichi.,,protect ur fam :)
Orihime-18 chapter 7 . 5/6
Ichigo u need a
Orihime-18 chapter 5 . 5/6
First and foremost ichi and Hime when they’re young was absolutely cute and sweet hehe..second- hime is well and alive (banzai)..third ichi was cured and not getting married (banzai again)..I like his loyal nakama and trusted they’re will be a happy ending for sure..I’m craving for a happy ending always :)...yehey..more chapters to go..:) I can smell a happy ending after reading this chapter..only on this fic I posted lots of reviews :)
Orihime-18 chapter 4 . 5/6
Typo error I mean ichi don’t marry senna

Mixed emotions on this chapter..happy that ulqui died. And sent him to hades world where he belongs..and sad on what happen to hime..oh my what happen to hime..I thought everything will b fine now she’s been save and will already reunite with ichi and be on his side..will gonna talk everything and no more wedding happen for senna..huhuhu..ichigo what did u do..but in fairness those confession the 3 words made him snap..and faint/ in more harm..I Duno this hav a happy ending..I’m craving for having ending always on all ichime five that I’ve read
Orihime-18 chapter 3 . 5/5
I hate u ulquiorra more than I hate Ichigo at the beginning of the story hehe...for ichi that’s what we call karma just kidding..u start it wrong..u killed her bro destroy the village and rape her and made a f toy..deym it started wrong but hopefully it ends right coz I’ve change u knew she’s that the little and now uy to much in love so now..hoping u won’t worry senna deym it..look for hime..she has your child..she’s here..deym ulqui here hate u :)...the story gets more exciting..what will later hehe..awesome work..awesome story :)
Orihime-18 chapter 1 . 5/5
So here comes the things turn out on this story..excited hehe..I’m sad on the last part of the prequel of this story..although at first ichi is a bastard hehe..I mean he doesn’t treat well hime and some kind like he’s really using here..if not on the carving message he did on the tree and knowing that she’s the hime he loves when they’re young he won’t treat her so well and will not show his love on her..anyway I always wanted a happy ending hehe so I’m sad on the last’s good there’s a continuation on it...I really love all ur ichihime stories..hope you’ll complete those incomplete and will still make new stories hehe..this is the last story of urs I’m going to read..I’ve read everything :)..saving the best for last :)..let’s see what will happen in this story..a hope a happy ending..*cross fist*..ichihime forever..thank u again for all your wonderful stories..god bless
Guest chapter 12 . 2/5/2018
Thank you for sharing this Ichihime story with us. I loved it!
Guest chapter 12 . 9/9/2017
Excellent story. Thank you for completing it!
Guest chapter 12 . 10/27/2016
Thanks for the ending! I'm so glad you finished this. It's a good way to celebrate Ichihime, especially with all the negativity floating around the internet because of the (obvious, logical) ending.
Cloverberry15 chapter 12 . 10/27/2016
Oh my God! You're back! Update your other stories too. :)
Guest chapter 12 . 10/26/2016
Wow.. I'm so glad that u didn't forget this story.

Ninja of the Night 27 chapter 12 . 10/26/2016
It's so good to see a "familiar face" lol! I'm so glad you got to finish this story. I have to say I love rereading this series because a it's so original and unique. The fact we're canon makes reading all these fics all that much sweeter. I love that you also included Kazui, that amazing beautiful boy will make his sister go crazy lol. Thanks so much for updating!
Guest chapter 11 . 7/19/2014
Blitch-chan, why didn't you write The Finale? That was so cruel of you! It's almost like An Imperial Affliction, unfinished and you can't find out what happens. Well, Blitch-chan, if you ever happen to stumble back onto , please update this amazing fanfiction. Here's what I think would happen:
Aizen would be killed, along with all the other bad ones. I think Senna would be killed, it just fits. Gin would survive (in my professional, unbiased opinion, he did and does NOT need to die), and he and Ran would be fine. IshiNemu would probably have a baby. Hime-chan and Ichi-kun would be okay, along with Mika-chan. They'd probably have a few more babies. I HOPE RenRuki would survive in this fic and have a baby. The good guys would all be rewarded. All is well. AND OBVIOUSLY A TON OF MIRACULOUSLY AMAZING LEMON WOULD GO DOWN GAWD IT'D BE LIKE AN ORCHARD UP IN HERE!
Thank you for everything, Blitch-chan.
One of your biggest fans
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