Reviews for Three months, tops
Guest chapter 1 . 6/21
Wow amazing
Also funny
Guest chapter 1 . 5/15
Hi, I just wanted to thank you for this story because you made me a Cloud&Tifa fan when I read this for the first time. I was reading your "Melt" story (I think my review for that story is the one from Feb 3, 2016 because I was the only one that would have used "*puppy eyes*" at that time LOL) and I loved it so much that I wanted to read more works from you so I read "Strife" without knowing anything about the game or Cloud&Tifa and I fell in love with them and I learn everything about the game, now there's FF7Remake and there's so much more scenes between them that I just wanted to thank you for creating this story because without it I wouldn't know this wonderful couple. I hope you know you changed my life with your writing so I wish you a beautiful life, you deserve it.
Kouyan chapter 1 . 4/21
Wow I'm blown away. I like how Cloud thinks about a lot of things, especially about Tifa ;) I really want to see them breaking the news of their baby to the rest! That would be really awesome.
Zo chapter 1 . 4/16
reading this on 2020 after this ship has come back to me and I just wanted to tell you just how gorgeous and amazing it is! I read how you had to edit it and honestly you did an amazing job! The way u captured their relationship and Clouds characterization is absolutely brilliant! This is the first fic I read for this pairing and it so DIDNT disappoint! Thank u so much!
missehri chapter 1 . 12/28/2019
After favoriting your story yesterday, I came back to write you a review, which I rarely give, only because I horoughly enjoyed your piece. I didn't read it before the rewrite so I can't compare your writing, but this piece altogether was very engaging and had me scrolling down faster than my eyes would let me. My favorite part was when Cloud looked at Tifa and told her that there has to be something wrong with her. Loved that part so much. It shows how Cloud views himself and states how caring and loving he knew Tifa was towards him.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/27/2019
I really love this fic! And I remember loving it years before but while reading this I couldn't exactly recognize it (there goes the rewrite haha) and it was like a brand new amazing fic. But then I reached the part with "Soon Cloud will snap and freakin' ride Tifa up against the bar" and Oh! it suddenly hit me which fic this was and I ended up missing it so much! and I'm sorry, but if the offer still stands could you please upload the old version as a second chapter? I really really want to reread it again :( And then we could have TWO amazing fics ;)
derek chapter 1 . 7/3/2019
tifa saying to cloud remind me to thank yuffie for getting us together then kick her out
Mr G and Me chapter 1 . 5/10/2019
I often read this little gem of yours. I wish you'd write more.
Derek chapter 1 . 1/27/2019
Tifa to cloud you better not pull a stunt like you did last night strife or else your ribs are not going to heal from the beating that i will give you
derek chapter 1 . 10/24/2018
tifa I am going to lasso a cloud tie said cloud to my bed and ride his penis
Ermergerd chapter 1 . 7/16/2018
You rewrote the rewrite! I wish I could compare the two. Love it either way. I hope you write more!
CloudsurfingVII chapter 1 . 7/14/2018
fuck I love this story!
Impressed chapter 1 . 7/13/2018
Very, very beautifully written!
Alcantis chapter 1 . 1/28/2018
Cloud can really be this frustrating! Haha I love how this went! If it ended differently, I'd force myself to write a version where I get to smack him until he realize what he's been missing! Great job here, btw. Tho Yuffie and Reeve... I guess, I got used to have Vincent get paired up with her. They're adorbs.
Incubus chapter 1 . 1/2/2014
this fic is...

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