Reviews for our final role as birds
Andhitittillitdies chapter 1 . 1/21/2016
I swear literature must have the biggest crush on you, you two make a great couple. This beaut is proof of your companionship for each other. And I mean, you gotta be dating formatting now cause the way you introduced us to the story is so smartly amzing it hurts.
ReadingMyOwnWay chapter 1 . 3/29/2012
Oh god.

This makes me cry every time, even when I know where it's going. Thank you, this is brilliant.
ChocolateMilk2 chapter 1 . 12/10/2011
Wow. Okay. That was- yeah. Can I just reiterate everything Mello7 said in their review? Because you include things people don't even process, you know. And it's weird because I must've favourited your other fic years ago because it said it was already on my favourites list but I don't remember reading it.

Anyway, 2009 I suppose you've left FFN by now. But I think it's nice the notes reviews should stay here, like some kind of tribute.

I like the way you incorporated the AC in there. I remember I once wrote a fic about the Organization wearing trenchcoats in summer but once I stated the obvious it felt like there was nothing to say. Axel casts around, like real people do. And he's humble, sort of. It's good.
Caneater chapter 1 . 12/2/2011
This was quite different to other fan fics that I read. I don't know if you're still writing or anything, but this was fantastic. Especially, that last phrase, " kissing an apocalypse." Amazing.

Nicely done :)
TopKat chapter 1 . 9/18/2011
so simple! So great to read! haha, i really liked this one, i think the way that you changed from scene to scene was perfect, it was fast-paced, but it still made sense.
Light Within Darkness chapter 1 . 11/16/2009
Awesomeness. I love how you get across the whole feel of being dead. And I've heard that whole "dying is getting on a train and you get out on all the stops of your life" story before, do it so well.

I like how Axel didn't feel alive til meeting Roxas. Aw. :3


Celendiar chapter 1 . 10/19/2009
This is f*cking amazing. The most genius, the most gorgeous fic I've read in months. And that's all I can say, really, because all the words are clogged up in my throat and this was truly something else. I can't remember the last time I was this impressed. Just... wow.
Chassant chapter 1 . 9/17/2009
Let me tell you you are absolutely fucking brilliant and just blew my mind in so many ways. It was so unique and beautiful, it made me want to smile and cry all at once. Thank you.
Fail the real squid chapter 1 . 8/23/2009

Your, I've told you that they kill me, right?, they do. In case I haven't told you.

They really, really hurt.

I, um, thank you. They hurt in a good way, I guess.

Um, sorry I..god, I probably sound so stupid. I don't mean to.

And, it makes me really happy that you like seeing me review.

Really happy.
Animegoil chapter 1 . 8/19/2009
Dude, how flipping cool. I love this idea. You like playing with surreal settings, don't you? I loved the abrupt transitions from one scene to the next, and yay for the ending 3
hangthesilver chapter 1 . 8/15/2009
This is ever, ever so lovely. 3
Mello7 chapter 1 . 8/14/2009
Okay, so by the time I got to the part with Demyx, I was thinking about how... argh, well how people may deal (unconsciously) with things they haven't really dealt with... before moving on to something new. For me, there are (and were) some people in this world that I'd like to meet just one more time so that we could part in good terms or at least understanding each other.

But then when Demyx says "- you're going to be okay." I got it into my head that Axel's dead and his little train ride with his dark angel Roxas is actually a kind of passing to the otherside. And he gets to 'meet' some people again.

But hey, I haven't finished reading yet, just wanted to type that so I wouldn't forget. Loving this fic, you've got your style. It's hard to put my finger on it, really. But it's yours.

“Most people already know by the time I see them." Okay, now I'm pretty sure Axel is dead. And the stops along the way are his opportunities to settle things. Actually this kind of thing is something I've thought about a lot. Like, once you die... is there a chance to say a few last words to those who meant something to you?

I've had this image of lying on a bed in a non-descript room (that could be anywhere) and talking to someone. A friend or a lover or a parent. Or some... angel creature (that doesn't look like an angel) who helps you understand.

And now Axel meets his long gone mother, I'm going to cry.

You... talented, amazing person, I fucking love you. A booming ocean should be cliché but it's not here, and the endings in your fics are always so apocalyptic and emotional and just absolutely perfect.

Maybe I should just write my own version of passing to the other side. But I'm not sure about he details. Anyway, thanks for this beautiful piece.
nolongerwriting40 chapter 1 . 8/14/2009
I ran out of new ways of telling you how much I love your writing an age ago. It's just not fair that you keep on finding new ways of reminding me why I do.

ElenAtalantie chapter 1 . 8/13/2009
Okay,, geez. This is beautiful, and confusing in a good way, and I'm not really sure what else to say about it. I love it.
silver moon droplet chapter 1 . 8/13/2009
best akuroku...evar.
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