Reviews for Polar Bears
Sakaki151363 chapter 1 . 9/26/2011
So this is like the 50th billionith time i've read this and I just realized that I never reviewed. This is an amazing story! The grammar is great, which i always love lol:) I also love how you kept them in character the entire time. Since Joe/Macy isn't a cannon pairing, people tend to have a lot of trouble with that, so i give you lots of props :D this story has also inspired me to go polar bearing :D i haven't been able to convince any of my friends to go with me yet, but I'm still trying lol! And since i live in Houston, Texas I will have to use the beach and it prob wont be as cold, but i'm determined to do it lol! well keep up the amazing work, and i really hope you write another Joe/Macy cause they're my favorite JONAS pairing :D


arrowslipstick chapter 1 . 1/2/2011

this is supaa cute! (:
BunnyQueenLivesForever chapter 1 . 10/12/2010
love it!
Fiona12690 chapter 1 . 5/15/2010
I just found this story...again. I realized the name sounded familiar and I have read it before and look it's by you. You are the person that got me into Jacy stories. This was one of the first JONAS stories I had ever read that first time and I actually liked it, and to tell you after I read this story I spent the whole night looking for anything that was Jacy related. Love this story, can't wait to see what else you have.

x-HotMess chapter 1 . 2/9/2010
KENDRA i can't believe i missed all this awesomeness when it was published! but this one was by far my favourite :) you captured their characters down to a t, and their easy rapport seemed so comfortable. anyway, i superduper loved it and i'm of the opinion you should definitely write more joe/macy!
Meaning Scene chapter 1 . 1/12/2010
Wow... Is there any pairing you can't do? I LOVE this. Joe and Macysuper adorable. I thought the length of this was perfect; a bit longer than your other one-shots, but had a good pace and wasn't boring in thes

slightest. Great job!
sweetpotatochip197 chapter 1 . 12/30/2009
thats so good. but i had love story by taylor swift playing while i read the story it was soo amazing
Fabled Diamond chapter 1 . 11/2/2009
Ah, I wanna go Polar Bearing so bad now. But knowing my luck, I'll get the flu like immediately after.

Everytime I go to the beach in the winter I get the flu. It sucks.

This story was so sweet and charming and ek-tacular. Sorry it took me so long to review. I've been so busy!
UnapologeticallyMe chapter 1 . 9/23/2009
This is adorable! I really love that Macy thought Joe was just trying to keep her warm, when really he just wanted to hold her. So cute-good job!
ride2night chapter 1 . 9/15/2009
Only Joe and Macy would do something as insane as that!

Crazy kids! Haha;D

loveyoumeanitbye chapter 1 . 9/2/2009
Well-written! & precious! Just precious
The Good Girl chapter 1 . 8/25/2009
perfect in its simplicity. loved it.
LaPaige chapter 1 . 8/24/2009
Okay, I really want to go Polar Bearing or whatever it's called now. It seems like fun even though I'd probably freeze. This fic was perfect. I love how even though Stella and Joe have something Macy and Joe still become close. I love the detail, and how they had similar interests. :) Awesome writing, as always!
The Mortal Slytherpuff chapter 1 . 8/22/2009
Great chapter. I don't usually like Joe/Macy but this one was very good
printmaker chapter 1 . 8/16/2009
i really liked that. (: from the begging i was wondering if they were going to just be friends or something more considering the whole joe-stella thing, but i liked the end. i probably wouldnt have mentioned stella though.
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