Reviews for The Uke Prince
Foxy chapter 15 . 6/3
Hi, I really love this story! When are you going to continue this story? Could you please tell me?! Please?
Guest chapter 15 . 10/8/2019
Please continue! Please make more chapters! It's so interesting! Will the baby die, and after that will inuyasha try to commit suicide?! I really wanna know what's gonna happen next, so please continue!
Kitkatcait chapter 15 . 6/12/2019
Devyne chapter 15 . 4/7/2019
Please update... I've read d story 2times already yet not progress, reply bk pls
Roleplaying.queen chapter 15 . 9/15/2018
are you going to update?
Hyuuga Fuyumi chapter 15 . 2/10/2018
sigue esta muy interesante
tsuki chapter 1 . 12/19/2017
por favor por favor por favor, vuelve a publicar, quiero leer que sucede con mi inuyasha, esta historia es super interesante, lastima que no volvieras a publicar mas capítulos :(
Guest chapter 15 . 11/8/2017
I've read this story like 3x already, this cliffhanger for so long is crazy :'( I really enjoyed reading the story, but so far i'm just hating Seshomaru. Hope you update soon.
TheDamsel chapter 8 . 9/8/2017
Hn. So Sesshomaru's demon hadn't hurt him? His most basic unbridled form following its instincts. Interesting.
TheDamsel chapter 7 . 9/8/2017
I would've beat both of them hoes ass! Say anything you want about me but the moment you touch me. . . I would've gladly traded places with Yasha with those two bimbos.
I'll admit, I'm struggling with this story. I didn't think I'd be as affected by this as I am now. I am one hundred percent invested in this tale. I have NEVER hated a Sesshomaru more.
I hope Inuyasha doesn't become bitter. I hope he can keep his spirits and the thing that makes people drawn to him.
TheDamsel chapter 5 . 9/8/2017
I am such a fool! Here I was thinking it would start to get better after the ceremony, but silly me, forgot about the warning in the first chapter. Oh God, my eyes watered.
TheDamsel chapter 4 . 9/8/2017
What a sad union. I agree with Koga. Inuyasha seemed to have been very dolled up and lovely. I hope Sesshomaru sees the error of his ways.
TheDamsel chapter 3 . 9/8/2017
Oh Inu, your brother doesn't know what he's missing. Toughen up sweetheart. You don't have to be a doormat to be a good submissive. Sigh. I wanna rip Taisho's eyes out. What the hell is he thinking?
TheDamsel chapter 2 . 9/8/2017
Oh my God, this story is already getting to me damnit! I wanna draw some blood! As much as I love Sesshomaru, not even he is allowed to mess with my hanyou!
What is Taisho's reasoning for this forced marriage? And I'm thinking back to Izayoi's threat against Sess in the previous chapter. What does that old dog see that he'd be willing to make his son's unhappy as well as his mate? Hmm.
TheDamsel chapter 1 . 9/8/2017
Damn, reading this just about broke my heart:

When he was a young boy he always wanted to be loved by Sesshomaru. He would try to play catch with him. But when he tried Sesshomaru would just pop the ball. When he tried to play hide and seek with him. Sesshomaru would leave him there hidding and waiting. When he had nightmares and knocked on Sesshomaru's door for comfort, Sesshomaru would open the door and then once he saw the hanyou would slam it in his face.

So cold, that Sesshomaru. Poor Inuyasha. I love and hate these angsty type of situations. Great beginning so far. I'm intrigued. I must read more.
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