Reviews for The Tough Badgermole and the Chaotic Horse
Zadel Skadenjev chapter 53 . 6/24/2017
Awww, not as much this time. It's still great how Ryoga can't go anywhere. I wonder what different effects this will have on the golden pair now.
OBSERVER01 chapter 53 . 6/10/2017
that was short but still decent
Vangran chapter 5 . 9/9/2016
Just thought I'd mention that it's parents, not parnets.
Zadel Skadenjev chapter 52 . 3/16/2016
Bwah ha ha ha! That finishing move on Mikado was fabulous! I approve. This is a really cool story. It is a little slow at first, but once it got past the back story and into the real story it became really awesome. It's very cool seeing how the new wrecking crew is dealing with the bacas. Good job and I am looking forward to seeing how this turns out in the next chapter.
DraaIzilUss chapter 14 . 3/15/2016
I'm on chap 14 and I have one thing to say. If you leave the two of them as brainwashed zombies, them you are an idiot.
OBSERVER01 chapter 52 . 3/14/2016
Toph skating is strangely amusing in my mind
LightnigJack chapter 17 . 1/5/2016
...oh! it had to be "the pools of sorrow"!
raizarachi chapter 2 . 10/21/2015
I'm really sorry.

I wanted to read your story whose subject I find quite interesting.

Unfortunately, I barely managed to read the first chapter to its end.

I find your story too badely written, and parsing ahead, I didn't found enough improvement to persevere.

I won't be reading anymore of it.

James Birdsong chapter 51 . 9/11/2015
Good story of course
Hannahtheseeker chapter 5 . 5/16/2015
Parnets is not a word. Parents is the correct way of spelling it, just informing you on the off chance that English is not your primary language. Good story so far though
Indecisive Bob chapter 1 . 5/9/2015
Nice enough intro chapter, but the grammar and pacing could be better. If consider looking for a beta if I were you.
OBSERVER01 chapter 51 . 5/5/2015
go toph! bury mikado in a avalanche!
Smiley101 chapter 11 . 1/6/2015
Smiley101 chapter 9 . 1/6/2015
May I just say.

spicarus chapter 50 . 7/31/2014
Enter the golden pair.

I feel like I should point out that in canon Akane was a better skater than Ranma. Although it is never mentioned when she learned to skate. Maybe it was supposed to happen during the time she was missing...who knows?

In fact, Ranma could barely stand up the first time he went skating. And because he found it embarrassing he decided to go in his female form.

But, that was canon. This is fan-fiction, so artistic liberties are allowed.

Now, the idea of the Nodoka from Negima being Ranma's mother is one I've never seen used before. It certainly is interesting.

I'm hoping that Ranma's sister Yue does show up. After all she should get to meet the older brother that she's heard about. I think it would work better for your story if she came home to visit, rather than Ranma going to Mahora.

I am surprised that Soun hasn't brought up the Tendo-Saotome engagement yet. I wonder how that will go over with Ranma, Akane and Toph.

And finally, though you've gotten better in these later chapters, I've noticed a few problems with sentence structure and flow in this story.

Unfortunately, I can't seem to copy and paste the examples and I'm too lazy to scroll back and forth to type them in; for which I offer you my deepest and most profound apologies.
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