Reviews for The golden trio
timeshadowtempest chapter 1 . 8/21
Hi I was wondering if I could post this book on wattpad because uts so amazing. I will not claim it.
Please tell me within two weeks. I will take silence as a go ahead
Andromedaa chapter 21 . 5/24
Please update. This is a great story.
Guest chapter 21 . 5/23
Please finish the story
Guest chapter 21 . 4/1
To było wspaniałe
Oricke chapter 21 . 3/10
if anyone adopted this story can you post the info please?
Guest chapter 21 . 2/23
I wish you had continued this book it's really good and interesting it's one of the best books I've read on this topic heck it's one of the best books I've read period
jmw03u chapter 21 . 11/3/2019
I absolutely loved this story! I love how the three of them act together and how they took Neville under their wing (as well as Luna and the other strays). The plot is very interesting too. Thank you for writing this.
triojediknights chapter 5 . 1/19/2019
So cute how the Trio have always shared a bed! Is there lots of hot sex and lovemaking?
CaliforniaTexasNorthCarolina chapter 4 . 1/19/2019
Having Harry’s sister named Rose is confusing, considering his niece in the original timeline is named Rose.
LawrenceDaddarioWatsonStewart chapter 4 . 1/19/2019
Why does Remus not think Harry likes him? And if he’s Harry’s godfather, where the hell is Sirius?
StarPotterTwilightHunger chapter 3 . 1/19/2019
YAY! They’ve found each other. The boys are so cute when they are kissing Hermione!
Katnibellamione chapter 3 . 1/19/2019
Harry has a SISTER in this timeline? What?!
ClintonBush43Obama chapter 2 . 1/19/2019
So, they’ve gone back in time….. into an alternate universe, even. Dead folks are alive again. This is creepy, but tantalizing!
WizMonCruWil chapter 1 . 1/19/2019
Interesting and dark... looking forward to reading more!
TrueRedDragonGodEmperor chapter 19 . 1/4/2019
Personally I feel that Snape deserves no sympathy. He is an evil person that only helped the light side in cannon due to being forced by Dumbledore. He would have been happy to save Lily and let James and her baby die. When Lily dies he only continued to help the light side because of vengeance...not entirely a bad reason but he ruins this deed by being petty for the rest of his life and picking on a boy that had done him no wrong. He lacks the maturity to separate father from son. I'm not sure if Lily in this story is still hanging out with Snape as Snape has implied but if it is true then I have no respect for her. It is stated in one of the early chapters that she is aware of Snape's animosity for her son and that he picks on 'her' Harry. What kind of mother continues to be friends with an adult that verbally abuses and picks on their child?
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