Reviews for Dark Angel: The Complete Fourth Season
Kityn chapter 16 . 10/24/2017
Over a year and still no finish of season 4. I got so hooked, and have been waiting & waiting.
mrs confused chapter 15 . 2/29/2016
Why was there never any chapters written after chapter 15? Surely chapter 15 wasnt the season finale, bit ive searched high and low and cant find anything other than the 15 chapters of season 4 that you have written...
Anne chapter 15 . 9/7/2014
The episodes were great. Is there more episodes? or season 5 will be the next? I hope it will air again :(
annecabrido chapter 15 . 9/7/2014
where is the next article? tnx
Guest chapter 15 . 6/19/2014
Shaz chapter 15 . 4/20/2013
Just finished reading season 3 and season 4. Hope you will continue with the story. Loved it.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/25/2012
Just finished season 3 amazing thanks so much!
jfg207 chapter 14 . 5/9/2010
Sorry, its been so long. I'll try and do better. Were was Brin in the first place? What has Brin been program to do, kill the human population? That's strange since she was program to fight for the old good USA, hrm... And where is Deck in all of this?

Confusing 8.

And what about the pretty blond and Logan? You didn't say anything else.
Victoriam Speramus chapter 14 . 4/10/2010
Oh, took me a while to read the whole thing. I'm enjoying this a lot. I'm liking iCorp taking Manticore's role, y'know, being the bad corporation behind everything bad, and Renee's character is quite interesting -and I'm sorry, I'd like to say something wiser but I have no more time right now. Girl's gotta party ;)
Lady Anthea chapter 11 . 3/26/2010
So sorry for the delay. I'm having some free time so I'll try to catch up these days.

Nice chapter, loved that Alec went back to Sara. I liked them a lot as a couple.

And Renee's father alive, being part of iCorp was such an interesting twist. Wonder how it will affect the story...
jfg207 chapter 13 . 3/23/2010
Well, can you mysteriously bring Mole back to back Max up in what Lilith is trying to do? I don't like him but that a cruel way for him to die. He's everyone's pain in the butt... humans and transgenics.

What's with all the flashes, that confusing.

7 or maybe 8.

Good paragraph of Max and Logan.
Marcus Sylenus chapter 7 . 1/8/2010
So sorry for the delay!

This chapter was very interesting. I liked the new, assertive Max, and her confidence in relationship with Logan. I do wish she had just finished the Asha bot when she had the chance...

jfg207 chapter 11 . 12/15/2009
Is Antonio human or what. Playing transgenic against transgenic, that cold blood of him. Oh, he's trying to get rid of them, hum?

Are you saying General Boyd is Renee's father? That's a angle I didn't think of. And since she know who Eyes Only is... her dad is going to brainwash her... that's gonna be bad!

What about Lauren, is she going to write the story? And why is her editor so down on transgenics in way? Did one of them kill someone he knew or loved?

I know, so many questions, I'll shut up.

I'd rate this episode a high 7 or even an 8 for the rating. :-)

I'm glad you'll be posting Friday to carry me over the holidays. Peace out.
jfg207 chapter 10 . 11/24/2009
Very Good! Very informative. But how did C.J. get out of the mental institution that Ames put him in and come there? Or did you make him be there instead of the institution in the show?

I give it a nine, but a good nine... almost a ten. Is Max pregnant? Since its been so long in between seizures... hum...
Lady Anthea chapter 10 . 11/23/2009
I forgot completely to review when I finished reading!

Ok, let's begin.

It was, somehow, good to have the seizures back (I know seizures aren't good, but they make more plausible the fact that, after all her streght, Max isn't perfect), but I have to say it was weird that Logan didn't insist Max to stay in his place.

So, questions about Joshua's face are solves, and Dr. Saunders is someone else in Max's 'People I have to find' list. And bringing back her mother topic makes me think she's going to make an appearison very soon.

I'm curious about Sara and her baby, also for Lauren Hope everything goes fine with they. If not... I'm sure it would be anyway great for the story.

I'm happy for CJ, now that he's finally free.

Nice episode!

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