Reviews for Small Doses
Guest chapter 3 . 4/30/2017
Holy shit Rain is an ass lol
ShmokeyDaBear chapter 3 . 2/28/2016
The only thing that I could of was poor Melody lol.
MrPirate461 chapter 3 . 8/3/2013
Certainly an interesting place to end it - whether they become (or stay) a couple is left up in the air. A lot of stuff is.
Ending where you did is interesting, it's an uncommon end point for fanfiction. What's impressive is that you did it well. It's like the ending of most other good stories; you've been given one tale, and the next chapter is yours to write.

You've written an excellent story here; I applaud you.
Blade The Dewott chapter 2 . 7/24/2013
"And he stared at her as if she said that female Gallade existed."
Lolololololololololololollololollolololololoollolo lololololollolloollollolollolololololollolllololol lorofllkddkkdlslololololololololollollololololollo lllobchhbjhjb,march,hjdhjvfebjhfvrvjr
*a day later*
Here lies Blade the Dewott, killed buy a burglar whom he didnt notice because he was laughing too hard.
Riolutae chapter 3 . 7/19/2012
I can honestly say I enjoyed that. Thanx for writing it. It made me smile. Just don't ask if I smiled. I will firmly deny it. You're right. It IS a good pairing. I'd write it...but I have yet to complete the full Mystery Dungeon games [shame on me!]...I'll finish them at one point, most likely Sky, but until then...I'll just read FanFics and watch anime. Oh, Arceus, I was ranting. Thanx for writing this story. I enjoyed it, even though there is a coach-roach in the hotel ish place i'm staying at. It even took my mind off of it for a while. So, finally...HONTO NI, DOMO ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU!
Not So Gallant Gallade chapter 3 . 5/13/2012
I'm a guy and I think this is adorable. Just sayin'.

Anyways, this story is going on my faves list after a second read for a few reasons:

-I love Weavile AND Gallade. Weavile 2nd best pokemon ever.

-Your writing style is clean and really quite good. Nothing over-the-top, it's descriptive enough, and... yeah.

-The character development is fantastic, and you definitely have perfect pacing in this story. I personally like it as a threeshot.

-PMD is awesome.

-Your portrayal of Lady Weavile is fantastic, quite spot-on. All of the characters are very believable, and not Gary Stu/Mary Sue-esque. They're engaging, and I didn't really see a specific weak spot in this regard.

So yeah. *fave*

Very nice job, and now I go to read the sequel-ish story just 'cuz.

Nolongerinuse0000001 chapter 3 . 7/13/2010
Lina Ben chapter 3 . 2/10/2010
Wow! This story is absolutely brilliant! I love all of it! You characterized Weavile and Gallade pefectly. Not too sure about Roserade, but the story was just awesome! Keep writing. :)
Knight of Genesis chapter 1 . 11/14/2009
Hey there! Thanks for being my first reviewer BTW! Ok, time for the review.

First of all... I LOVE this story! The overall plot was good but the think that I like the most was the character personalizations. They seemed so real like as if I actually knew them. The way you told the story was great too; It seemed that I was watching a movie instead of reading. Their emotions were nicely portrayed and the way it all builds up is good too.

Being a fan of Gallantshipping, it feels... i don't know... weird(?) to see Melody left alone but hey, this story has also made me a fan of Antiquityshipping too. Well, there's nothing more I can say that SchwaWarrior hasn't already said so I think I'll wrap up here.

Continue writing great stories like this!
Captain Black Knight chapter 3 . 11/8/2009
Cute story, it was very fun to read. I love Gallade, so I knew it would be good. Nice work! -cookie-
crabnoises chapter 3 . 10/17/2009
I like this story! 83
ObsessedwithBirds chapter 1 . 10/8/2009
Oh. My. God... I love this! It's AWESOME! :D
SchwaWarrior chapter 3 . 10/6/2009
Finished reading. My God. This is wonderful. As I said in Gmail, you don't find too many fics these days that do such a great job of character development. This fic sorta restores my faith in the fanfic business in that way.

But what really got me was the ending. I honestly had no idea how it would end, even up until the very last sentence. I'm kinda shaky as I write this. And I'll tell you why. I can't explain it, but I finished reading Part 3 and when I was done I sat back, thought about it, and then I realized I knew exactly what was wrong with the new chapter in my current fanfic. I knew what to change and how to change it. Your fanfic taught me.

Once again. Once again you've come through for me and inspired the Schwa to achieve and excel. I don't get how that keeps happening but you're really good at it. You know that? You really are.

So yeah, this story was fantastic. The whole thing. I always love a story when I can develop a solid opinion about every character and feel real emotions about them. As I was reading I felt tons of emotions for every character. I couldn't stand the teammates- all four of them, both on Rain's and on Weavile's sides. Hated them. Bobby was a meddling snake, Melody was an asshole, Corvax and Toxi were conceited and immature. I couldn't stand them, I couldn't respect them, it just shook me at my very foundations.

Rain was awesome... and I sorta feel like he was me. Quiet, always serving as the leader-figure, refusing to let his share of personal problems interfere, even though the world never works like that. That's like my life story, practically. Oh also he was thick as a brick when it came to Weavile's weirdness at the end. Even I would have likely picked up on something... I dunno, maybe I wouldn't. But you know.

And Weavile I just wanted to smack. I wanted to go up and shout "HEY! WAKE UP! He's into you!"... She had me so frustrated! Just get with the guy already! But no, she was... she was the way she was. She's gonna have issues because of it unless she wakes up. XD Dammit, I hope those two stay happy together! They'll probably end up fighting over something and she needs to be able to work it out! Ah the possibilities!

...Rant over. Yes, very emotional. XP But IMO that's a perfect story. ...Notice I said story, not plot. Your plot is great too but the storytelling aspect is what makes it perfect. I was drawn into it. I felt it shake my whole heart and soul. I lived it alongside the characters.


I've favorited this fic. This is one of those ones I'll need to read again in a year to relive the feelings.

Epic effing job. You're my hero.

P.S: If I HAD to nitpick one thing, I guess it's when Weavile was concerned about Rain's mind-reading abilities. Last I heard, Dark types negate Psychic attacks, even if they're also part Ice type. XD Even this nitpick is negated though because come on, Weavile was batty by then. It's not like she'd have remembered such a trivial detail. Hehehe... ;3
Anonymous1 chapter 3 . 10/5/2009
Oh wow, what a touching story. Excellent work on this, it flows smoothly and it finishes well. Keep writing more!
Silence Divine chapter 3 . 10/4/2009
I'm going to assume that I can assume that part of the reason you didn't want to make this a four part because of the fact that I would turn the floor of your house into bees. Anything to avoid the bees. *shot*

Anyway, best part was obviously at the end. How nice to see Rain confess his love for Lady Weavile. Despite how much I don't like the word 'cute', I like things that could be described as 'cute' - only in romance, though. Otherwise, it's just irksome to me when it's used as an adjective; but I digress.

And as for reviews that, you know, review the actual story? Well... yeah, I'm still not good at those. XP Though, what could I write here about your writing skills that I haven't already written on LM? And, besides, if I wrote things like that here, they'd take away from my unorthodox style of writing.

Even though this was indeed the last chapter, to please the sadistic side of me, THE FLOOR OF YOUR HOUSE IS BEES ANYWAY. *shot*
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