Reviews for A Theory Of Guilt
OutCold chapter 5 . 10/27/2009
Sounds cool, can't wait.
OutCold chapter 4 . 10/27/2009
“That must make me a son of a bitch then,” You have NO idea how much I laughed at that. Fantastic line, one of the best I've read.

Ahh, clever Joseph.

And you know I love Alex, I've said it enough.

Cool ending, onto the next chap...
OutCold chapter 3 . 10/26/2009
Do you know I love you? Angela. You are a genius. You'll win a Nobel some day. Honest. I can see into the future. P

I love this chapter, the scene switches are done wonderfully.

I hope Joseph's alright. And Josh.

Of course Angela, as I've mentioned, perfect genius ending.

OutCold chapter 2 . 8/21/2009
Oh, oh, oh, I have like a guess on the EDGE of my mind of who it could be and I can't quite grasp it. That is SO annoying. Anyhow, this is a great chapter, I feel for Alex, and Joseph, what Nina did has affected them so much. Fantastic, UD soon.
OutCold chapter 1 . 8/19/2009
Oh, God. I like that you have a sequel to Mistakes now, I enjoyed it so much, and this is a fantastic starting chapter. Incredibly gripping. Can't wait for more.
10millionpeople chapter 1 . 8/19/2009
omg SQUE! you finally came up with a story! I love how this is going so far! Marilyn dead? But ohmygosh *flails* Renee is Jack's girlfriend (right?)! And Kim has more children?