Reviews for The Despised Ones
fullmetalfaggot chapter 12 . 8/29/2017
This is soooooooo gooooid
fullmetalfaggot chapter 12 . 8/29/2017
I'm so incredibly late but I'm sorry for your loss. And not to be a d*ck but, are you ever going to update again?
fullmetalfaggot chapter 5 . 8/28/2017
luluhrh chapter 12 . 11/2/2014
i'm sorry. i know what it's like to lose people. my grandma died from breast cancer when i was five. i can't really remember her, and that's what hurts the most.

just don't forget. whatever you do, don't forget. wake up in the morning and remember him. wherever he is, he's happy. and when you, too, die, who knows? maybe he'll be waiting, playing Xbox and ready to welcome you home.

i'm sorry. i know.
Don't care chapter 12 . 6/1/2014
No offence, but get over it. It's been two years! I doubt anyone really read how he died anyway. It's not your place to tell everyone that for sympathy. I lost my twin brother and I never even got a chance to know him. That's life, suck it up. I don't even care that you ditched your chapter to explain to everyone! But either buck up and continue this, or put it up for adoption or on hiatus or even discontinue it!
WhiteHole000 chapter 12 . 5/6/2014
I know that this is really really late, but I stumbled onto this story and I just wanted to say how wonderful it is. It is one of the best I have read. If you plan to continue it I would be delighted to hear the conclusion. I am really sorry about your brother, I am sure he was a wonderful kind person and happy in his life. I hope that you and your family are doing well :(

No. 1 Loser chapter 12 . 3/31/2014
I loved the story and would be elated if you would continue.

And I am so sorry about your brother. Your description of him sounded exactly like someone I know and how devastated I would be if she died. The important thing is that you were there for him.
Aleksanda chapter 11 . 12/21/2013
please you need to continue this fanfic ASAP i was in tears like 5 mins ago after the last couple of chapters (especially after the last one).

i mean just when i was starting to sympathise with Adams he beats ed so badly that he finally breaks?! i mean WTF!? i can see why he did it but that was just going to far! (for him to go, makes for a good story though! well done on how u guys wrought that)

its a fantastic story and i love these story (u need to continue Forced to BTW) so please try hard to release a new chapter soon?

(sorry for any spelling mistakes)
Aleksanda chapter 7 . 12/12/2013
good luck
jadedmist27 chapter 12 . 9/24/2013
I am so so sorry. I know how hard it is. It's been a year now, so I hope that you have recovered from the initial wave, but you should know that I'm still rooting for you. I hope you are getting better with it :(
jadedmist27 chapter 11 . 9/24/2013
HAHA! Victory! I have finally been able to tear my eyes away from the beauty that is your story long enough to review! I should have been doing this every chapter, but like I said. I couldn't take my eyes away from your story. This is one of the best stories I have read so far; you are amazing. Never stop writing!
Wolf chapter 12 . 7/4/2013
I am truly sorry over your loss but you've now abandoned the story? :(
Guest chapter 12 . 5/5/2013
I feel sorry for your brother, thing is, I have one of the lightest versions of autism. Most people never notice, but most of us have inteligent minds, just emotionally different. Im the oldest of my 1 other sibling, but I usually rely on her like shes the big one. I feel for you, and I hope your brother's happy in his afterlife.
Guest chapter 12 . 4/9/2013
Thank you
AngelaAngel chapter 11 . 1/3/2013
Can't believe this! I bawled my eyes out reading the WHOLE thing! Now I have to go back and re-read every chapter just so I can cry even more over Edward's pain:( Can't wait for the next chapterD! It's getting...AMAZING. Seriously! Your writing is phenomenal! Can't stop reading... *dies* Really really awesome:) Hope Edward gets back on his feet! Not soon but at least in the end hopefully! Really...reallyyyyyyy...awesome x)
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