Reviews for Grandpa Blues
Clueless-Major chapter 1 . 7/14/2014
Yay! I love car mechanic Jackie! Jackie is such a versitile character - depending the season or episode she could have many careers: professional cheerleader, trophy housewife, mechanic, news anchor, etc But out of all the possible jobs, I've really loved Mechanic!Jackie just a bit more. What I liked about your fic is that she still maintains her girly persona. I think Jackie is the daughter Red deserved. (not that I don't like Laurie, but... I wouldn't even know WHAT I would do if she were MY daughter). I think that they have a good dynamic - hyper and cheerful Jackie with the strict and "mean" Red. I've always thought he had a soft spot for her.

OMG! I just cracked up when the little boy asked if he could walk Red across the street! I just imagined the scene unfold in my head, and I can just see the irritated expression on his face. Like he slowly gets mad as the little boy keeps talking, until he calls him elderly and a granpa. Poor Red, he's facing the fact that he is already old - and it's really sweet how Kitty can pick up almost immediately when Red is upset. It only goes to show how much she loves and understands him. She knows exactly what to say to make him feel better. And in turn, he knows exactly what to say to her too. For a grouch, Red Foreman is quite a charmer. Kitty and Red have such a great relationship. They have great balance in their life, and work so well together.

I really enjoyed this fic, because we don't really see many things bother Red. So this was a nice change to see.
Tinkerbell8587 chapter 1 . 2/24/2013
Aww that was cute. I loved the Jackie/Red interaction as well as the Kitty/Red interaction.
LittleRachelBerry chapter 1 . 8/2/2011
I laughed at this. SO in character with Red. I especially liked the foot in ass bit. That's always one of my favorite parts of the actual show :)
MistyMountainHop chapter 1 . 3/2/2011
There was no way he was paying fifty cents for a can of soda he'd already paid for.

Very Red.

When Jackie had first asked if she could work in his shop

Ooh, Jackie's his secretary. Neat choice!

"It's um, it's a pregnancy test."


Jackie smiled, "I'm pregnant!"

An interesting development! D

"This is so exciting! I can't believe this! I'm having a baby and I got married first!"


Red nodded, "Yeah that's great, but Jackie, get that damn pee stick away from me."

Also very read. D

"Not anymore." Red said as he shook his head, "Those fumes aren't good for the baby. So you'll be working up here for the next nine months, got it?"

Aww... Red's so protective. He sounds like Hyde. *love*

"Please Grandpa."

I bet Jackie said that with her signature pout, too.

"I'll let you order a double bacon cheese burger and won't tell Kitty." Jackie offered with a large grin, she knew that would do the trick.

She certainly knows how to bribe people.

A few minutes later Red found himself walking beside his daughter-in-law

I like how you write/treat Red's paternal view of Hyde as a given. D

Looking behind him he found Jackie, window shopping at one store before walking in. Red shook his head and decided he'd wait for her at the restaurant.

So Jackie... and I can see Red just leaving her there for the restaurant.

"Would you like me to help you across the street?"

"No." he answered hoping that would be the end of it.

Oh, no. I can't imagine Red's gonna take to that well.

"It is a duty that I would be proud to do." The little boy went on, "The elderly are the top people who we Boy Scouts, must help."

"What did you call me?"

"Elderly, sir?"

Oy. It's getting worse. *lol*

"Elderly means old or older. Anyone who is older then someone is considered elderly."

"What the hell are you a walking dictionary?"

This put a smile on my face. So something Red would say.

Something his son quit after being in it for a year, earning only one badge that dealt with learning how to tie stupid knots. And the only reason he'd earned that was because his apron kept coming undone, so Kitty taught him the different types of knots.

LOLOLOL I can totally see that.

"Alright, look kid, I'm gonna explain to you one more time, why you can't help me cross the street. No one will believe you." The little boy frowned with confusion, "They're not gonna believe that you're helping the elderly, they'll think your just walking with your dad across the street."

The Boy Scout looked up at Red looking slightly confused, "But you don't look like my dad."

Red sighed; this was why he hated kids.

"I meant we look around the same age. I don't care if I don't look like him."

"I know what you meant." the little boy said with a nod of his head, "You don't look the same age as my dad. You look more like my grandpa."

Now Red was upset. Sure he was becoming a grandpa, but he didn't need to be told he looked like one before he was one. He began to glare at the young boy, causing him to slowly back away.

"I think I'll find another old person to help." he said before running off.

This is a great scene, all of it. From Red and the Boy Scout's dialogue to Red's thoughts.

and small cup diet crap you call soda."


"A Senior Citizen discount."

Red scowled, slightly frightening the young man, "Then why are you giving it to me?"

The cashier gulped, "Because you're a senior…"

Aww, Red keeps gettin' it today. (

"No buts. Now you're going to get rid of this dumbass discount you've given me and charge me full price." Red ordered, "Or I'll stick my foot so far up your ass you'll be walking like a senior citizen for the rest of your life. Got it?"

I can really see Red saying all of that and demanding to pay full price.

"Honestly Red, I can hear that television all the way at Bob's house." Kitty said as she walked in from the kitchen in her nurses' uniform.

Red frowned as he watched her, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means, turn it down."

This is so true to life! And it's a great payoff to his thoughts about the truly elderly man's "What did he say?" in the restaurant.

"It's just…Kitty am I old?"

Kitty looked at her husband slightly shocked by his question, it sounded like something she might ask. "Well you're older than me."

LOL Oh, Kitty...

"Alright look, if people start seeing me as old, they're gonna start thinking I'm one of those lovable, friendly, old men. And I'm not! I'm supposed to look like one of those men you don't want to bother, even if it's to ask for the time. I'm supposed to be intimidating not approachable, for God sake!" Red declared.

Wow, you've really captured Red's character here.

"I know sweetie." Kitty comforted, "But you know you'll always be scary to our kids."

"Yeah," Red agreed, "but they're dumbasses, they don't count."


Kitty shook her head, "Nope. I see you just as you are, Red Forman. A man who has survived everything, who has fought for his country twice. The man who I fell in love with thirty three years ago. A man who has provided for his family, even during some hard times, who now has his own muffler shop, who would do anything for his family. I see a man who will threaten anyone with a foot in the rear comment, just to make sure he gets his way. You Red Forman are not old."

Aww! *hugs Kitty so hard*

"Because what I see is our life together." Red continued and Kitty's anger slowly faded away as he sighed once again, "Every little line on your forehead, that you think is so big, is from every dumbass thing our kids did that had us worrying. From the nights we stayed up worrying about Laurie's future to worrying about Eric in Africa to worrying that Steven and the loud one would never get married. And all those other creases show nothing but all the times you've given out that beautiful smile and matching laugh, I fell [love] in with thirty…"

*love* *love* *love*

"What do you say we go upstairs, Grandma?" he asked huskily causing Kitty to giggle.


She jumped up from her seat as Red watched in amazement. How the hell did she figure that all out from one word?

LOL 'Cause she's perceptive (when it comes to babies).

"Now, Jackie just found out today and she hasn't told Steven yet. And I don't want him finding this out from anyone but her."

Aww! *love*

"You know Kitty," Red started as he placed his arm around her waist, stopping her shaking, "we could still go celebrate."

Kitty turned to look at her husband and the two locked eyes. Not a second later, they dashed upstairs. Yup, not even age could slow these two down.

Love that you end the story this way. Red and Kitty's sex life, despite that it traumatized Eric, was a really important part of their relationship. It was clear, for them, sex was an expression of their love.

Prissy, you write with originality - and that's a rare thing in fanfic (and, quite frankly, in general). Your grasp of Red and Kitty and their relationship is one of the best I've seen. You treat them as fully developed human beings instead of characatures. I adore that you tackled the theme of aging through them. They totally could've done that on the show instead of the crud we got in later seasons. Another great addition to T7S fanfic! D
sfbxfcb chapter 1 . 2/17/2011
notthatplatypus chapter 1 . 12/20/2010
i love how you add that little amount of zennieness in there to tell us more than one story. such a cute story.
twiniitowers chapter 1 . 7/12/2010
Awww...Poor Red, but he'll always be young at heart...only Red Forman wouldn't want a senior citizen discount. *LOL*
FuzzySlipper19 chapter 1 . 9/7/2009
LOL! This made me giggle. Poor, poor Red. And damn those boyscouts are persistent! LOL!

Best Wishes,

Carly Lewis chapter 1 . 8/27/2009

i loved it! i wish it wasn't so short, but i don't know what else you could have added to it.
ImInLoveWithYou chapter 1 . 8/24/2009
Oh My Gosh, this is adorable! They're really amazing, aint they?
SereneC chapter 1 . 8/23/2009
Aw, cute... :)

Although, gosh, I need to refresh on the show again, because I don't remember Steven actually being technically Red and Kitty's boy. Just LIKE a son. Then again, I think that counts just as much. :)
popculturehoe chapter 1 . 8/23/2009
this was really cute :)

i liked it alot
ShellyHale chapter 1 . 8/23/2009


Poor Red!

I imagine people treating him like and old man was tough on him.

It was quite cute! :D.