Reviews for Right As Rain
volepitofregret chapter 5 . 1/10/2011
Good drabbles, I love them, but Arakawa did say in an interview that FMA had no Christianity, and thus no Schrismas. Lots of people get around this by simply calling it Midwinter, though. Additionally, their currency is senz, roughly equivalent to Japanese yen.

I'm loving reading these, but I thought I would mention it.
TheLittleStar chapter 16 . 4/20/2010
I don't say this often, but I'm actually in love with these one shots! Also, if you don't have any ideas, I've got one for you! "Reconcile!" Anyways, please update soon!
ht4eva chapter 16 . 4/17/2010
*Sobs* That was so beautiful and sweet! Your writing in this chapter was incredibly moving, as is, of course, the story you are telling. Amazing! *Dies from an overload of pure, beautiful Royai.*
ht4eva chapter 15 . 12/21/2009
Huh. I always wondered about that...the "when". The timing seems plausible; so does Roy's response to the array. Awesome! :D
Shubhs chapter 14 . 12/15/2009
LOVE the 2 new drabbles!They're AMAZING as always!XP XD XD XD XD _

ht4eva chapter 14 . 12/15/2009
WHAT? NO! DON'T MAKE ME CRY! :'( :'( :'(
great gospel chapter 14 . 12/15/2009
One of my favorites.

Poignant and beautiful. Well done.

Rojas Walrus chapter 14 . 12/15/2009
Strong ending. I like how you lept foward like you did, it had a really nice effect.
ht4eva chapter 13 . 12/14/2009
Nice! Lol...Roy DID look like a dork in his military uniform at first. And his hair was different, his face rounder...Good writing, as usual! :D :)
Shubhs chapter 12 . 12/3/2009
That was...intense. I didn't like it too much though. XP XD
ht4eva chapter 12 . 12/2/2009
*Tears* WAH! :'( SO SAD! WHY MUST YOU MAKE ME CRY? :-o SAD!...And yet so cute! :D Lovely chapter! Please update!
Shubhs chapter 11 . 11/29/2009

-Cookies to you.

ht4eva chapter 11 . 11/28/2009
:D Awesome! I really enjoyed this! It was poetic, and underlined a lot of important points! Hmph...When I did my Artemis Fowl fanfic, colours, someone said I used the colour red a lot. OF COURSE I DID! Red is such a diverse colour, with so many personalities! :P Anyway...I really liked it! PLEASE UPDATE SOON! (puppy eyes)
Rojas Walrus chapter 11 . 11/28/2009
I like this. Somewhat.. poetic in a way, but without being poetry.
afinedenouement chapter 11 . 11/28/2009
I smiled so much as I read this.
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