Reviews for When You're With Me
Lucy chapter 1 . 8/4/2016
Beautiful written!
Fi Suki Saki chapter 1 . 1/16/2015
Yep, the Winchester always Stronger together !
(but it seems like it was always Sam who forgot that.)


The scene was so (what should I say that wouldn't sound weird beyond something)... Lovably Awesome ! (because rather than the "I" words that would sound a bit wrong in your fic, better just praise it with my best favourite words)


So those flashback was at Stanford era. I thought it was just normal sick Sam flashback... hmm


NoilyPrat chapter 1 . 12/13/2014
wow, yep, the end of the season does mirror your story in a way...

like it. Like the juxposition of Sam's memory from Dean being with him, to the now of Sam being with Dean. Also rather liked the explanation of WHY Bobby ran John off with the shotgun. Good for Bobby! chapter 1 . 6/29/2013
I'm struggling to find fics of yours I haven't read and reviewed now and have no idea how this one slipped through the net!
Great fic. Loved the flashbacks from Sam of Dean being there when he was sick as he hoped and waited for Dean to recover from the dog bite. And trust Sam to note that Dean wouldn't have been injured if he wasn't on a basic hunt, which emphasised how at this time they were on different pages.
They may have been at odds during this time but they are always strongest together.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, if only Sam had know that killing Lilith would bring on something so much worse.
sapphireswimming chapter 1 . 4/16/2013
Always always always strongest together. Loved how the back flashes were interspersed in this story and LOVED the reason behind Bobby's waving a gun at John. Makes a lot of sense.
SayLo chapter 1 . 2/10/2013
Always together than stronger. Loved this. Thanks for sharing
SunnyZim chapter 1 . 4/21/2010
Yes, they are stronger together. They truly do keep each other human and bring out the best in each other. Liked the bit about Bobby threatening John with a shotgun because he kicked Sam out - is that canon or did you just add your own interpretation to Bobby and John's fight, because I like that interpretation:-) Nice job with this, as always.
PADavis chapter 1 . 4/12/2010
That was beautiful - gentle and melancholy. The flashback to Sam's freshman year, Li'l bird... wonderful. And frustratingly S4. Made me think of that great line from 5.16 - last time I checked, the road to heaven wasn't lined with good intentions.

Whilom chapter 1 . 1/25/2010
I loved the flashbacks to Dean being there for Sam whenever he was hurt, and particularly this phrasing: **Gently, gently, fingers kneading away the soreness in his neck, arms. Walking him through the valley of shadows.**

Really liked this one. ;)
SerenaDeb chapter 1 . 10/18/2009
"there’d been no dramatic If you walk out that door, don’t come back. Dean wasn’t Dad. "

You are so right. Dean would never have said that, no matter the provocation.
pandora jazz chapter 1 . 9/7/2009
So many emotions while reading this story.

Sad that the brothers have separated, but glad that Sam chose to come back when he learned that Dean was injuried.

I like how Dean relaxed, was able to rest better after Sam arrived and he heard his voice.

Nice job with the Stanford flashback, but sad that Dean didn't think Sam would have welcomed his big brother after he woke in the hospital.

Of course my favorite line was the last one, 'The Winchester brothers—always, always—were strongest together.'

Hopefully, we will be able to see this again.
Scullspeare chapter 1 . 9/5/2009
This was just...yum - one of those stories that leaves you smiling and incredibly satisfied.

And this - "The Winchester brothers—always, always—were strongest together." - that just sums up the show in a nutshell.


Cheers, Sculls
Harrigan chapter 1 . 9/2/2009
Catching up on my reading in a little window between Real Life obligations. This hit the spot. Loved the flashback to Stanford. Even when the brothers are barely speaking to each other, they still want to be there for each other.

It's nice to see that here!
Madebyme chapter 1 . 9/1/2009
I couldn't agree more, these boys - as with most families - are stronger when they're together and I have high hopes for season 5 when it finally airs in the UK.

Despite the obvious differences in their personalities it's clear that they both share a great deal of similarities that often get overlooked. And you paint this clearly here, having them both unsure as if they're needed when their sibling is in hospital, both doubting the power of their presence. Not to mention their communication problems and how stubborn they both are. It's nice to read a story that reminds us how strong they are together.

I liked you how had Sam say "there’d been no dramatic If you walk out that door, don’t come back. Dean wasn’t Dad" a painful reminder of how desperate Dean was. I've often thought why Dean said it, surely he should have known that that wouldn’t work - it didn't for John so why would it now? But desperate times call for desperate measures I guess.

Great fic, with an overall positive message for season 5. Thanks for sharing and as always it was a pleasure to read. Take care, Abbi
TheKritty chapter 1 . 8/30/2009
Oh yeah, they are so strongest together!*sighs*

I am so blown away by this story!It's so heartbreaking but also heartwarming and it reminds me on the hard time I had watching season 4, with all the role revearsel and the problems our boys had with each other. And I think you described these conflicts very very well - despite the role revearsel thing and the changes in Sams and Deans personality, they still love each other and are stronger together!

Very well done! And loved the idea with Dean visiting Sam in the hospital in Sam's freshman year! So cute!

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