Reviews for Trial and Error
Alug-Andaaz-Hai chapter 6 . 12/8/2009
That was seriously some of the funniest stuff I have ever read! Great job! I especially loved the Mylar scenes (but I'm biased like that) and the gentle poking fun of various cliches. I love Sylar in this-so, you know, that creepy stalkerish way of his. :D
Lara-Van chapter 6 . 10/28/2009
Oh dear GOD...

Yeah, Sylar really needs to stop stalking Mohinder. Speaking of which, how hilarious was the Mohinder-mocking in Strange Attractors? If I had my way (my way, of course, being that Sylar really IS stalking Mohinder, just because it's funny), Mattlar would be heading to Brooklyn first thing now that the -lar is in control of the Matt-.

Great update! I can't wait for the next chapter!
Starr Dust chapter 6 . 10/28/2009
OMG! I really wish I hadn't been reading this at school! I had to keep a hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing out loud XD

This chapter was awesome! I don't know what I loved more; Mohinder admitting to himself that he's the wifey, Sylar with his hand pressed against the glass (and Matt's girlish scream), or Molly wanting to listen to the mix CD.

I almost lost it when I saw the lyrics to the Part of Your World reprise on the screen. That song is now offically ruined forever! Poor Molly. She was just trying to help and she nearly drove Mohinder to suicide. :P
Lara-Van chapter 5 . 10/21/2009

Figures. I've always sort of figured that Nathan would be in on some sort of monetary scam of Peter's love life. If it wasn't paying somebody to dump him, it would have been paying some pretty girl to ask him to the senior prom, since there's no way a high school-age Peter would have ever worked up the balls to do it himself...

Amazing update, as always. I had wondered what was taking so long. Sucks when the internet's out, doesn't it? I completely hate that. Hope for a speedy update!
Starr Dust chapter 5 . 10/21/2009
I know I already reviewed this fic over on LJ, but I wanted to post another one here. I absolutely love this chapter. Nathan and Claude's interactions are so in character (in a crackish way) and I love that Claude just might have feelings for his little poodle after all. :D
amy-the-rat chapter 4 . 9/30/2009
*massive, epic applause*
Starr Dust chapter 4 . 9/30/2009
ROFL! I love the Haitian in this chapter! I hope once we learn his name the Haitian starts acting like this. It'll make the show that much more interesting.

Haitian: Come on crocked lip! Shoot creepy old guy already!

Peter: *single tear slides down his cheek as he bites his bottom lip*

*Sylar appears*

Haitian: Oh no! Crazy eyebrows is here!

Sylar: *places hand over his eyebrows* WOW! You are really mean! I'm... I'm gonna go cry.

ROFL at the way Sylar almost seems concerned about Peter in this chapter and the fact that gagging someone is apparently worse than locking them in a closet XP
Lara-Van chapter 4 . 9/30/2009
Oh dear GOD...

Now I really want this to be how the show really runs in real life, because then I could get a dose of Heroes and a dose of the best medicine all at the same time!

Sylar's Chocolate Prince, lol... Ooh, I'm gonna have to forward a link to this story to my friend, who is obsessed with Mohinder even more than Sylar.

Speaking of Mohinder, where the HELL is he this season? His name is still on the list of cast members, but I haven't seen him around lately.

Great chapter and PLEASE don't let 5 be too late! I mean, a day or two is okay, but...
Starr Dust chapter 3 . 9/23/2009
ROFL! This chapter was epic! My favorite line was definitely Mohinder screaming "I have an accent" XD And Matt calling Mohinder "mommy" priceless!

Major points for Matt's reaction to his beer being crushed! I flipped my sh*t when I read that part!

Do I even need to say how much I love all the parts with Sylar being his usual creepy stalker self? And Mohinder having none of it! So him! Awesome chapter as usual. I hope you get to more Mohinder/Matt or Mohinder/Sylar stuff soon. :)
Lara-Van chapter 3 . 9/23/2009
What can I say? It's amazing. Best thing ever. GO MYLAR!


Oh wait, that's the goddess Kali, nevermind. Although I think if Molly ever decides that she needs revenge on Sylar, she totally would go all epic pwnage on his ass.
Lara-Van chapter 2 . 9/15/2009
LOL, it's really true- there was some definite (REALLY INTENSE) chemistry between Peter and Claire before the Big Reveal that they were actually related. Paire was probably the first Heroes ship. Ever.

Absolutely fabulous. Funny as hell. This is really quite wonderful. Cookies...

On an only semi-related note, have you ever noticed that in cracky stories like this, Peter tends to cry a lot? Which is ironic, because he's basically the only character on the show who's never cried, not even when his "love" *gags at Simone* died. Why is it that the people we think of as "sensitive" are usually the most emotionally stable? That's odd.
Starr Dust chapter 2 . 9/15/2009
ROFL! OMG, You did not just go there! Oh Claire! You're a naughty girl. And poor confused Peter. He just wants to spread his love and all he gets is a bad place touch :P
Lara-Van chapter 1 . 9/15/2009

Normally I would be furious for the Peter-bashing, but since you love Peter, it's okay. We can only bash the characters we actually like. Unless it's Maya, in which case, I'm handing you a sledgehammer.

Also, love the Plaude reference. Yeah, there are some times when Peter seems a little... um... swings-both-ways, shall we say? Absolutely hilarious.
Starr Dust chapter 1 . 8/27/2009
OMG! I was laughing the second I clicked this link. I love you so much right now for writing this! I'd list my favorite parts, but they were all epic! I especially love how you don't show Peter cry, but when he's about to start it's similar to the scene in season one where he tells Nathan that Simone is dead. You're my hero, and I appericate you as a person. 3 I can't wait for chapter 2 XD