Reviews for Fire Hydrant 88
akuroku fan on fire chapter 11 . 12/8/2009
ten word review. this story is heating up. continue please?
The Foolish Author chapter 11 . 11/1/2009
Yay for Roxas freedom! lmao I can just picture a happy little Roxas frolicking about in a park... :]Haha, can't wait for more.
aminaluvr4life chapter 11 . 11/1/2009
I can't wait for the next chapter, I"m so hyper right now after reading this story it's so awesome. I somehow missed this story when looking over stories so I just read the entire thing so far. And let me tell you ITS AWESOME! and that's not just the sugar talking. I really look forward to the next update have a good one _
The Foolish Author chapter 10 . 10/9/2009
Aww, poor, confused, little Roxas, lol. I wonder who scared Roxas... Cloud? He is rather tall and blondish...
0Life-is-a-Song0 chapter 10 . 10/7/2009
_ Aaw, Axel's falling for Roxas!


Update soon please!
The Foolish Author chapter 9 . 10/2/2009
Yay! At last an update. I've been checking my email daily in wait for a new chapter, lol. Poor Roxas is so sad, I wonder what happened to Ven, and anyone else in Roxas's family. Axel better keep being nice to him, lol. Can't wait for more!
akuroku fan on fire chapter 8 . 9/25/2009
amber:its alive!

akuaku:shut up amber

damien:wow, what happened

amber:you died but now, your back. so review!

damien:why do i have to review? i nearly died

akuaku:you did die. you blew up reading that other akuroku story by the author!

damien:ohh. opps


damien:okok! this story is amazingly epic and i would love to have you stories children and create mini fictions from this, all with diffent features

akuaku:yah like mpreg

amber:or vampire!

damien:hey! im not finished yet!

amber:ok ok

akuaku:continue please

damien:where was i? oh yah! i will also give you whatever i have in my pocket if you update *reaches in pocket *now what do i have to give you? *pulls out..* 2 pennies, a bubble gum wrapper and a old pizza pizza ad. ok, ill just add a axel plushie to the mix. and hope that makes you happy 3

akuaku:wow, you talk alot!

damien:shut up

amber:hey! stop abusing my muse

damien:im your muse too!
PhoenixDash chapter 6 . 9/13/2009
Naw, I feel like cry now. Just thinking about the hurt he is feeling now and it kind of breaks my heart. He's like the child I always hope I'll get and what kind of "mother" would I be if I didn't feel bad when my "children" suffers? Yeah, I'm insane like that so if I ever get a child I will try to persue my husband/man/whatever so agree with me. Or else! (Insert manical laughing here)

Well I hope Axel will make it up to him or I will find away into the computer and make him. Or simply dreaming about me taking my revange on an unexpecting Axel. I think I will settle down with the latter; the other seems so much work involved and I have to much school-work to deal with right now, and I'm not so very bright when it comes to computers. Just dealing with some Internet-sites can take up to hours before I realizes how I'm suposed to do and work forward. I think it took about an hour before I learned how to post up stories on and after that it only took 5 minutes.. Yeah, geeze.. (PhoenixDash, what are you thinking with? I doubt it's your brain..- -;)

Well, until next time!

PhoenixDash chapter 7 . 9/13/2009
I really like that song! It's so cheerful but yet a bit retarded or something.. I don't know..

I'll make this as short as I can and we'll see how that'll go.

I bet he would look so cute in a bikini! Even though I think personaly it would be even better if it was a light blue, but beggers can't be choosers, now can we?

It always brighters my days when I see a new update on stories I really like and you can only guess how glad I was when I saw that this had updated!

Well, until next time!

PhoenixDash chapter 8 . 9/13/2009
Naw, it's simply too cute! In a twisted "no you do as I say, or you'll be punished as it is no tomorrow"-cute! Atleast I think there is a that kind a cute as well.. Anyway, I really like this and the more I get the more I love this and I hope you'll update someday soon. And poor Roxas is slowly (yet I think it's not that slow after all) but surely falling head over heels for Axel, and Axel is since a long time back gone in I would like to call, the Curupt-Poor-Little-Young-looking-Boys-Pit of the absolute darkness! Yeah, it's like that intense.. But until next time, and I'm still planing on reviewing on your latest update that I've kind of neglected.. Sorry!ToT

So until next time!

The Foolish Author chapter 8 . 9/13/2009
Oh my God that was so perfect... and cute, dare I say it. lol I was really pleased that Axel didn't have to force Roxas into anything (besides a bikini). Their moment was sweet. :]
The Foolish Author chapter 6 . 9/9/2009
Hmm, this is where I saw the next chapter of Caught! going, so I'm really glad you decided to write this and that your version goes in the same direction I was hoping for. I'm glad Axel stopped before doing anything else, although now poor Roxas is very confused.
0Life-is-a-Song0 chapter 6 . 9/8/2009
Whoa! Way to have mood swings, Axel :P

Though, I like how he suddenly felt bad. At least he has morals...

Anywho, nice chappy, update soon!
The Foolish Author chapter 5 . 9/8/2009
Poor Roxas needs some love, he's about to become Axel's play-thing.
0Life-is-a-Song0 chapter 5 . 9/8/2009
Uh oh! Little Roxas has a problem on his hands! Update soon, yeah?
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