Reviews for Out of the Dark Take II
frdbrlw1 chapter 7 . 3/19
Asgard shields are not affected by regular nukes, even goa'uld hataks could tank 2 nauqada enhanced nukes. Also the beam weapons getting damaged wouldn't happen unless the shields failed completely, there a all or nothing type of deal nothing gets through until they hit 0. Also they cant't board the ships they wouldnt be able to get past the shields. They could also just beam the intruders into space. They would have used there beam weapons right of the bat the second the other sships initiated hostile actions. Not to mention 1 nauqada enhanced nuke would end there ship in 1 shot.
Then theres the railguns that have been shown to be able to cause massive damage to hive ships. Theres no way this battle would cause the George Hammond to break a sweat.
camp1500 chapter 8 . 4/29/2018
good start, too bad you have not completed it.
majorshane chapter 5 . 7/22/2016
Your story is good, although a little rushed. I like everything that has happened up to this point. Carter made contact with the new aliens after receiving sensor data showing that they are 1. No threat to a BC304 and 2. Filled with humans. After years on SG1 meeting new and advanced civilizations she knows what it's like being awed (and intimidated) by new advanced technologies. The rescue force wants to try and open a dialog with the new group of space faring humans. Beaming Sheppard and Teyla out just as a conversation starts is the STUPIDEST thing she could have done. It reveals advanced tech that could have been held in reserve, it will scare the colonials as they now know just how outmatched they are without any built trust, and it removes the possibility of the colonials returning the prisoners on their own thereby beginning a foundation of cooperation. If the galactica hadn't answered her hails, or if they had and basically said frack you, then I could see beaming their people back. The fleet is disappearing and the galactica could be about to do the same thing. But Adama is talking to Carter, and it seems he's prepared to return the kidnaped soldiers. This is huge. This is what Woosley and Oniel and Jackson all want: a peaceful resolution. Flaunting your advanced technology to a less advanced race just as they are starting to open up will only ever result in that race reacting with suspicion and fear. Carter, because of her experience at the SGC (where this happened like 3 times I can recall off the top of my head) knows this. Any conflict or mistrust between these 2 groups moving forward is her fault.
Netchka chapter 8 . 8/23/2015
Interesting storyline. Looking forward to reading more.
jag389 chapter 8 . 7/13/2015
just finish this I hope you finish this someday
Guest chapter 8 . 2/23/2015
Cylons are to powerful in your fic. your fired.
Guest chapter 7 . 2/23/2015
Several incorrect things
The Cylons mostly fire no nuclear ordinance and only fire a few low yield missles
The Hammond caries way more nukes than shown
One BC-304 can waste the entire Cylon race and the colonials in two hours
Guest chapter 5 . 2/23/2015
wsedfrg xcnmujh,2ik vjhmcbftgrddecdwev fbn 9o mnbhgve3 45y6u7 i8 o9po0[-]\ ynhbtg m,ukii
dp chapter 8 . 1/3/2015
This is a good story. I hope you will finish it.
Guest chapter 7 . 12/22/2014
One Nuke from the hammond would out right destroy a base ship. Not tobmention the fact that the hammond would take no damage and the most its shield will go down is by .5%. This is just not right
orionastro chapter 8 . 10/12/2014
very good story so far,i hope you can update soon, to see them saher Tech . And Earth and the colonials , becoming a very powerful Galactic Union. Cant hardly wait for the next chapters .
anyabar1987 chapter 8 . 8/4/2014
Good story, I hope I can see what happens next
ljbrown1 chapter 8 . 11/20/2013
Where's the rest of the story?

Deceit and drama...

5ngela chapter 8 . 11/2/2013
Really love your story. Wonder why galactica have to be so stupid. Especially Adama. I think you won't finish the story but one can hope.
EvilTheLast chapter 8 . 10/22/2013
Well, it was a good story.
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