Reviews for PitManDu
Sentinel103 chapter 1 . 1/25/2010
OH the innuendo. Ya gotta learn to be more direct...uh maybe better not, I figure that would be M then.

Larry (Sentinel 103)
whitem chapter 1 . 9/12/2009
Why do I feel so clueless about the title/nickname? (aside from the obvious similarity to a certain song)

Nice trip down memory lane for James...

Again, congrats on the 3 years... And here's to even more...
Thomas Linquist chapter 1 . 9/7/2009
You really need to call the animal control people, 'neb. Whenever you have a 4 bunny week, the keyboard gets a work out.

So, the sloth saw a lot of action back in the day? I wonder just when the birds decided to inhabit it. Maybe it's a good thing the tweebs did a complete overhaul on it. As I recall, the seats were pretty disgusting when Kim started working on it. All I can say is, EW! TMI! Bad enough the upholstery was worn when James gave it to her.
Captain IT chapter 1 . 9/2/2009
A Javelin? Oh well could be worst... could have I say it?...'Pacer'

Look like ole James is getting him some 'Paradise By The Dashboard Lights'

Welcome to year no.4

Keep it KP real

Captain IT
Katsumara chapter 1 . 9/1/2009
Ahh, this Carol! I do remember her from that story. That was such a touching story, but if it had to happen that way for James to come together with Anne, then so be it. You told this story in an awesome way as you always do. I loved it.

Keep up the fine work, good sir.
The Enduring Man-Child chapter 1 . 9/1/2009
Ah, James Timothy Possible the lady killer! There aren't enough Mr./Mrs. Dr. P stories out there and it's nice to see this one!
CajunBear73 chapter 1 . 9/1/2009
Quite the walk down memory lane on the topic of drive-in movies. James gave two tales of his times there and both brought sweet and bittersweet memories of women in his life.

Tim seems to be about to make his own memories with Hope and I think he's never gonna be the same afterward.

But, with all the mention of 'tastes like chicken' in here, I just have to ask: What does chicken taste like?

Answer: Nothing.

Onward and upward into your 4th year cpneb!

And beyond.
