Reviews for Indecent Affairs
Guest chapter 28 . 8/2
tu che scrivi simili porcate a una ragazza innocente sei una troia che merita di essere stuprata. te lo auguro con tutto il cuore di essere prima stuprata e poi sodomizzata, così capirai cosa significa e non scriverai più simili schifezze per divertimento. fottiti!
maru1824 chapter 32 . 6/14
Muy buena historia ! Todavía no entiendo xq los de la tribu pensaron que bella era esa mujer de la leyenda? No tiene sentido,realmente estaban muy locos para hacerlo eso a una persona. Menos mal que Edward la salvó.
Siento que el epilogue fue muy corto. Me hubiera gustado ver el casamiento y el nacimiento del bebé.
Twilightlover2004 chapter 1 . 2/6/2018
Awesome story, but how old is edward?
Butt3rflyKink chapter 11 . 7/6/2017
wasn't the game on Saturday? then how is she waking up to the next day and its now Monday?
BellwardEverlark chapter 22 . 6/27/2017
i keep going, "i really need to go to bed... just one more chapter!" then i get to the end of the chapter and end up repeating the process, haha. this book is not only well written, but also really addictive!
AllISeeAreStars chapter 32 . 9/3/2016
Love this story!
Supergirl0830 chapter 4 . 5/9/2015
Oookaay so, so far I really like the idea of this story. But I am thoroughly annoyed by your Bella. I don't like her. She's way too immature. Her internal monologue remind me more of girls like Jessica and Lauren. And that's definitely not a good thing. And I thought she was supposed to be smart. How the hell could she zone out like that for WEEKS? And not only that, but her infatuation with Edward seems to take precedent over her education, as she's not nearly as bothered by getting into trouble. But is "euphoric" at getting to spend time with Edward? (for this very reason the tears at the end here confuse me) Anyway, that's not smart at all. If this is the way she is throughout the rest of this story, I can't possibly believe Edward would find her interesting enough to want to risk his career to be with her. Again, she's really really really immature. Not his type I don't think.
LolaTheSa chapter 9 . 3/31/2015
So that makes twice bella was sexually harassed.. -_- i Don't see the romance. Bye
LolaTheSa chapter 8 . 3/31/2015
She's so immature. Don't even see why edward wants her outside of her body.
LolaTheSa chapter 7 . 3/31/2015
Bella is too annoying. She's a fucking child in mind. What could edward do with her and her immature ass mind? I hope to god edward doesn't say later 'she acts older for her age' I'll punch my screen.
SubmissiveSwan chapter 32 . 1/26/2015
I love this story, I know it was written in '09, but it's amazing even still! And the song by Aqualung is awesome recently over the last year or so I listened to it and it fits Edward/Bella prefectly :) I'd like to see a sequel story to this, maybe of them dealing with Bella's pregnancy and him working as a uni professor? I hope you can get back to me on that! :)
ChristianMom54 chapter 32 . 11/29/2014
Loved it. Not what I expected but better. Loved the twist on the characters, story line, etc... Thanks for sharing.
wardlyman chapter 29 . 8/21/2014
Rape isn't apart of life.
VampirePrincessxx chapter 32 . 4/13/2014
Oh god I read the entire story in one go and LOVED it! How hot can Edward and Bella get?! Uff, I need a cold shower now ;) Good writing!
cfigueroa78 chapter 24 . 12/7/2013
Nice twist to this story with the cult/satan worshippers, whatever they are. I have a feeling that Jacob considers Bella that myth that she was reading about in the library - Daskiya. Jake giving Edward a look of pity while his hatred was directed at Bella kind of gave me that impression.
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