Reviews for Hoffman's Diary
ImGonnaGetThatRhythmBack chapter 1 . 12/8/2010
crushing defeat. OO

RAWRitsAnime chapter 1 . 11/4/2010
I love it xD This is so hilarious. It is kind of unlike Hoffman but I don't care :3
DarkPhoenix567 chapter 1 . 6/26/2010
Love it and i love Hoffman too.
Helen Young chapter 1 . 4/8/2010
HAHA! I love this one too!
Quinto.Addict chapter 1 . 3/12/2010
Again, The end is an Epic win:)
Magical Shovel chapter 1 . 2/16/2010
This story is FOR THE WIN. I lol'd. I rofl'd. And every other text chat anamoly available to express uncontainable laughter.

This was a great parody. "He rambles a lot, and some of it sounds reasonable, but mostly he just sounds like the messages inside of fortune cookies." It's true. Hoffman see ths truth behind Jigsaw!

"You got beat up by a girl, lulz." xD Haha.

The Home Depot part was the greatest. That was my favorite part about the fic. I laughed so hard.

"Strahm faced a “crushing” defeat today. Haha. I pwned them all!" A crushing defeat! So cheesy, yet so true. Again, another one of my favorite lines that I must highlight. Yes, Hoffman did indeed pwn them all. He's that godly.

Wonderful fic. Favorited. 33
TheNextAmandaYoung chapter 1 . 1/1/2010
Dear Diary,

Well, this sucks. Amanda is dead, John is dead.

This made me sad I love John and I am the NEXT AMANDA so I guess I have to feel sympathy for her too...anyway a BDSM fetish?

I would expect much from John but Hoffman is supposed to behave himself as expected because misbehavior is me.
Ysisndhsjmn chapter 1 . 12/12/2009
Hahahahah! I love this so much
gukkiez chapter 1 . 11/3/2009
lmao! swett! loved it! he's like "I told him Tide washes all that stuff out" lmao! and when he wanted to do naughty stuff with Amanda! hehehehe i love that couple; i could even imagine them doing sex!lmao, im so naughty... sh!
Legs chapter 1 . 10/28/2009
HAHAA, Most excellent! I laughed a lot reading this XDD