Reviews for Falling Inside The Black
lilyflower101 chapter 6 . 8/11/2015
Ya you did you stupid bitch!
katniss12 chapter 6 . 11/2/2013
please continue i want to know if they make up
DarknessShadow96 chapter 6 . 8/11/2013
Your story is really good and many people want you to continue. I love it and don't worry about it being short. Please update soon I want to know what happens to the treasure hunter especially Riley. Update soon. Please.
avij14 chapter 6 . 4/29/2013
Please update!
agentsofthemcu chapter 6 . 11/17/2012
Please update!
AGB chapter 6 . 8/27/2012
You are letting the Briley seep through. I love it! Why is it that this is the one fandom where everyone's against slash? I mean, a friendship story is okay, but why accentuate the fact that it's just friendship between the characters? There really aren't enough Briley stories to warrant all the fuss in the first place. Anyway, besides the chapters being a bit on the short side the story is good so far and I hope that you update again. I'd really like to read about Ben finding Riley and how angry/concerned/protective he is because he's Ben. (and turn it into slash in my head) Even if this becomes a forgotten story and is never updated again, good job so far!
DammitimmaD chapter 6 . 11/29/2011
Please update soon!
Zera Rask chapter 6 . 9/19/2011
Ooookay some explainer into why she's such a bitch. Much appreciated, but what about Riley!
Zera Rask chapter 5 . 9/19/2011
EPIC bitch! Whatever I never liked her anyway. Great story I like the way you stage Riley's break down. He seems to go through different phases of anger and grief, and then it just all piles up. Really great!
bananacupcakes chapter 6 . 4/11/2011
please update soon :)
HiSaysI chapter 6 . 1/22/2011
O.M.G.! PLZ write more! I'm freakin in love with this story!
LazyGerman chapter 6 . 11/15/2010
Updaaaaaaaaaaaaaate. D: How could you leave poor Riley hanging like this?

Lovely angst~ And nice job with the plot. c:
Vithian chapter 6 . 11/15/2010
Butbutbut! I like slash! It makes me feel all warm inside... What if you just kept it mild? Like, it could be read as either slash or just friendship? Or maybe, just one sided Briley? I do understand your predicament though. Everything I write is slash. Except that one that has no pairings. That I didn't even realise had no pairings cause it was going to have slash but didn't.

Excuse the ranting, I've no internet for a week, and this is the first thing I reviewed. Cause I love it that much. Yes, you should feel special :D

Anyway, I know that this hasn't been updated in... seven months, but please come back and finish this! I would love you forever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever...

Please, oh awesome one?

the woman is a wolf chapter 6 . 10/2/2010
Ah! Riley! :'( NO! Oh my LIFE! I want to give him a hug... like NOW! Ahem... so... yea... I thinks you've done a really good piece of descriptive writing. Oh... ANOTHER cliffhanger! O_o! NOOO! How will I survive? And thanks for posting by the way ;) Scuse my obssesive (did I even spell that right?) fangirlishness :P
ladykale1985 chapter 6 . 9/15/2010
Please write more...
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