Reviews for Blind Rage
bananahead1 chapter 1 . 1/27/2018
I got such high anger issues that my eyes sometimes go red and I black out twice I burned shit and once my stepfather pissed me off so much that I awoke to find a knife in my hand and sleeping on a sheet full of holes on my moms bed one hole almost killed her and I was a centimetre from killing my stepfather but I can control it now
bananahead1 chapter 1 . 1/27/2018
funny thing is I have same problem
Metria chapter 1 . 7/28/2014
OMG wut da ****, bad.. bad roxas XD
RoxSor chapter 1 . 10/21/2013
Poor Sora! Roxas went to far! . Oh well, thanks for sharing, this was awesome! .
violetstar198 chapter 1 . 11/27/2010
yeah i'm totally gonna go to hell for loving this... yup -.- i actually added this to my favorites without reveiwing and i rememebred i didnt so here i am XD anyways i loved this, the very angry sex and all O.O and yeah, lol i just finished re-reading it and its still as awsome as it was the first time i read it ;p LOVE it... okay i'll stop now XD
Gamet Kauum Gekxoum chapter 1 . 10/26/2010
Aw, Sora would look cute in a white hoodie. You know, in a totally I'm-not-into-guys-but-that-still-looks-good kind of way. Though I do find it odd that he wears it while washing dishes. I've done than before, and I find it rather uncomfortable.

I like the little letter pacing you've got going on. At first when I saw the “B” I though it just stood for “before” and you were gonna explain why Roxas got angry. Then when I saw the “Bl” I thought it was like a BL warning or something, but then I remembered the “B” and I figured it out. I think it's neat.

Haha. I go up stairs on all fours too.

My stomach started tightening sadly once Roxas caught Sora. And then the stupid school bell rang and I couldn't continue for a couple hours. So suspenseful . . .

For all Sora's audible protest, I do think he could have struggled more physically, at least until he was knocked unconscious.

Hm . . . I wonder what's going on with Roxas. He almost seems some sort of psychotic, but aren't they normally calm about everything? I think so. Never heard of their eyes going red either. 'Tis a mystery.

“One of his eyes could barely see, Sora guessed it must've been swollen shut.” You wrote this before he actually opened his eyes.

“The brunet tried to free his hands, which he felt, were ductaped together.” I think it's spelled “duct taped” or “duct-taped,” but I'm not sure. It just looks odd with one T.

Damn, it must really suck for Roxas to have to live with that though. Just randomly turning into an abusive rapist would . . . really suck to live with, I guess. For Sora too.

I find it interesting that Roxas holds Sora the same way both while and after his blind rage.

“His right leg was curved at a strange angle that wasn't normal.” Well if it's strange then of course it isn't normal. One of those descriptions is superfluous.

Hm . . . Roxas always attacks Sora, huh? He even went home to find him rather than attack some nearby person or thing. So . . . whatever's going on with Roxas must have some connection to Sora as well then. So I'm not sure how.

Roxas . . . called Sora “baby.” Creeeeepyyyy. (/So/ not a SoRoku fan.)

Hm . . . I don't think it'll be the last time. I took a psychology class, and while I can't quite pinpoint whatever “disorder” Roxas has going on, I'm quite certain it won't go away just because he wants it to. After all, this is no doubt /not/ the first time he wanted it to.

I guess . . . I would think the major flaw in this story is just that Sora's still there, and still cares for Roxas. Although it has been shown with Riku that Sora is a deeply forgiving person, there are some definite people he would never dream of standing beside. I would imagine someone who beats and rapes him would fall under that category. And Sora hasn't expressed a strong connection to either Roxas or his family in Kingdom Hearts, so I see no allusion to serve as justification. Given the AU setting, I'm sure Sora had a strong tie with his brother in this fic, but since there was no happy-happy-joy-joy scene before the blind rage to show that, and I don't naturally see them getting along, I don't feel very strongly rooted in that justification.

Honestly though, I do prefer it this way. If Sora had decided he was fed up with Roxas and reported his brother to the police or something, we'd have no story. If Sora had decided he was fed up with Roxas and ran away from his brother, we'd have no story. If this was the first time this had happened we'd have a completely different story with seemingly no justification for Roxas actions and the fic would be ruined. And if there was a happy-happy-joy-joy scene to show their relationship, I'd actually like the story less, because I definitely see Sora and Roxas as enemies.

So, despite that small complaint, I am glad the story goes this way. I do think it was fun to read, and saddening, which is always good. I'll constantly be on the lookout for any “psychological illness” resembling this now for the rest of my life so I can put a name on it, since you didn't give us one. And that's good. It means I'll be thinking about this fic for years. It would be interesting to see how that “illness” would go in a multi-chap with lots of research on the subject and a slow downward spiral . . . 'cause angst is awesome like that. But while it's something to think about, I do think I prefer the one-shot version more. The multi-chap would prob'ly have to show the happy-happy-joy-joy that I just do not see for Sora and Roxas.

Pardon that kinda rambly end.
toby chapter 1 . 8/19/2010
so i couldnt tell... is there incest?
BlissfulGP chapter 1 . 6/28/2010
I didn't see any flaws. This story seems A-Okay.
anonymous chapter 1 . 5/26/2010

It would be nicer if you placed more details onto how Roxas raped Sora. So Sadistic.

I like fics with Sora being molested.
0dd Squ4d chapter 1 . 5/19/2010
I approve - if it counts for anything. Gotta love masochists. Which I do. And I am. Because I'm laying on top of Jen with her head shoved in a pillow. Good job, bud.

Mujyakina-Hitokoroshiya chapter 1 . 5/12/2010
Interesting story. Every part of this had me intrigued until I finished it. So cheers for the awesome fic!
Fifi McFu chapter 1 . 1/25/2010

So, I decided it's high time I took a look at my favourite reviewer's fics.

And WOWSERS. This is by far my favourite!

Usually I'm not a fan of short oneshots, but the simplicity of this combined with the strong imagery and that regular reinforcement of 'Blind Rage'... it was really powerful and emotional.

Oh, and Sora in a white hoody? H.O.T. image *drool*

So good. So god.

Kudos, my dearest :)

Fifi x
EWR43 chapter 1 . 12/9/2009
coolio dude
CottonCandyHaze chapter 1 . 9/14/2009

I'm so glad I read this.. This was just truly amazing..

And to make things better, I was listening to a song called 'Bottom of the Dark' by Hatsune Miku of Vocaloid.

It fits the story quite well.

But all in all, this was wonderful

You have talent, use it more often.
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