Reviews for The Stars Are Out
JayLiyah chapter 1 . 3/12/2006
Aw.. this was very cute, especially what Squall said to her right before they kissed! Nice.
chibi-san chapter 1 . 4/13/2003
aw that was soo sweet
Lorelei chapter 1 . 3/28/2003
That waz so KUTE!


I'm just melting in my chair.

Actually Squall did hug Rinoa at oe part of the game...when they were in the spaceship Ragnarok and she told,Squall that she waz a sorceress.

But still this was a really cute fic liked it.

Mitsukai-chan chapter 1 . 2/19/2002
aaawwwww how cute! _ im not talkin about the story, im talkin bout Squall...(and Irvine _ and Zell...alright, alright and Seifer on some occasions...hehe)! i havent finished the game lazy to go train the people for six hours just so they are strong enough to beat...uhhh what are their names Raijjin and Fujjin? i dunno...i think im pretty close though...havent played it for awhile...but i liked the fic! i could picture every bit of it in my mind...hehe...Zells a nut...Irvine is such a pimp, but thats why we luv em, or thats why I do anyways this is turning out to be a long review...well once again, i liked your fic, keep writing! Ja ne!~Mitsukai-chan (wouldnt it be funny if i spelled my name wrong on a review -_-;;)
obiwankatie chapter 1 . 1/20/2002
AH! that was awesome! Now I wanna read other FF8 fanfiction!
Optical Goddess chapter 1 . 1/12/2002
I like the amount of detail you put in in the beginning, with their inside emotions and wishes. I liked it!
Jacks chapter 1 . 1/12/2002
Awwww! I'm so glad you're writing FF8 too! We need some good quality fics! I'm not a big Squinoa fan or whatever but I acutally didn't hate her in this one shot! Wrtie some more soon!
kittyluver87 not logged in chapter 1 . 1/12/2002
Oh this is sweet. I like it.
IsidraC chapter 1 . 1/10/2002
...*tear* that was soooooooo beautiful *clap clap clap!more more more!
Cats eye1 chapter 1 . 1/9/2002
Aww, cute very sweet. Love it.
AnGeL-WiNgS5 chapter 1 . 1/9/2002
hey thats was so sweet i luv squinoas lolz _*