Reviews for Moth For The Star
sjmpets1b chapter 13 . 4/15/2015
I don't know if you're still writing but I'm sure you aren't writing any longer in the QAF fandom. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed this story. Justin would do anything for him. If Brian hadn't be so stubborn, he wouldn't of had to go through a lot of everything himself.

If possible, can you send me a link to your other was stories. I'd like to reread them. Thank you so much.
Toumies chapter 13 . 9/21/2012
oh, hello again.

I don't know if you remember me. Well, it's been a year since my last review.
As I recall, this is the last chapter of the fanfic, right? That's kind of sad if this is it.
It's always a pleasure to read your fanfic and while I was reading this chapter, I had a smile on my lips. I really, really love what you're writing. It's so perfect. Everything. (I think, I've already said that but nevermind. ;))


Now that I finished the whole story, I have a question for you...
For quite some time (actually, since I read chapter one), I've been thinking to ask you this: I'd been honoured if you would let me translate this fanfic into French.
Although, I'd be thrilled you'd let do that, it would take a lot of time because there's so many rich and beautiful sentences in your fanfic that I wouldn't be sure about my own French. I've mixed feelings about myself (I don't know if I'm able to mirror THIS quality in French.) but whatever your decision is let me know and I'll be okay with that!

Okay, so, a lot of words about myself and not about your story. Sorry... _

sjmpets chapter 13 . 7/7/2012
The good thing about getithere over at LJ is that you find stories you didn't know were out there waiting for you to find them to read. That's how I found this, but is it finished? Is Brian holding on to the house he bought for Justin? Is that what Ted's call about in chapter 13?
Overall, I really enjoyed this. Joan trying to rebuild her relationship with her son, while Justin's with Craig deteriorated even more. I do wish for more.
SoulMore chapter 13 . 1/15/2012
Toumies chapter 12 . 4/22/2011
Oh my god. It has been a very very long time since my last review ! *shame* In fact, it's since September 2009 that I'm reading your fiction... I'm too slow ! :O

So, the chapter... I already said it but I feel the character's emotions and that's absolutely not good. Cause then I'm just sad and I want to cry. I guess, I'm also weird cause I can't help but love what you're writing. The way you describe all the feelings and may be just how you describe everythnig in the story that is wonderful.

And the story, it just fits so perfectly to the series, to the caharacters, it's so logical. AND : Brian isn't sick anymore, and, Justin and Brian are still together, it's clear as water and I LOVE that.

One chapter left, I'm kind of sad at the thought. But, that was beautiful moments for me.

Also, I wonder : are you still writing ? Some fanfictions ? Or some originals ? I would really like to read them if you published on internet ! :D

Toumies chapter 11 . 10/23/2010
Oh my god.

Yeah, again. It's been a long time ago since my last review.

But, I've been read it and I loved it.

I like the way you bring Brian's mother because I think she's not so... how can I put it ? Maybe, she loves her son in spite of her son's sexuality.

I really think that your writing is so good because there's a lot of vocabulary and for me it's very interesting. It likes a novel ! I really think it.

And I wonder why I haven't finished your fiction yet. xD

Maybe to have chapters left each time.


see you soon on the next chapter !
Toumies chapter 10 . 6/30/2010
Arg. Could i say i hate you ? Huh ?

I hate the end of the chapter ! It's so unfair !

Oh my god.

I hope the story is happy ending. I dislike bad ending( because, than, i cry... and i wouldn't !)

So, so.

Toumies chapter 9 . 6/29/2010
*6 month later* LOL

Yeah, it's been a long time (again).

Really, I can't know how I couldn't read your story before because it's so well-writing, so QaF, so full of emotion !

Let's go to the chapter 10 ! XD
Ireland22 chapter 11 . 5/19/2010
I randomly came across this today

and after reading this far I just had to say that I absolutely love your writing.

Love how you've portrayed Joan and I can't wait to read the rest
ShelbyDesu chapter 1 . 4/10/2010
So, i read chapters 1 - 13 in one night. I'm addicted. :) This is really good, and really amazing. I LOVE it. There were parts where the angst was so bad i was freaking out, cause i've been in a similar situation like that.

But anyways, i shouldn't ramble. This was really great. :) Thank you so much for writing it.
Toumies chapter 8 . 4/8/2010
Oh, oh. Michael, I think I love you. Ahah.

It's perfect, Brian & Justin, together. Oh, yeah !

So... I'm calm. XD

I love Sarah ! She's too cute ! (LOL, I know she appears as three ligns.)

But Brian is sick. His cancer disapear ? I hate bad ending. And I hope that you don't make an end like in the series, if not, I'll kill you. Wahaha !

Bisous ) !
Toumies chapter 7 . 4/5/2010
Oh, thanks you.

I'm glad that you love my reviews ! So, I continue like that.

Yes, I'm the French girl and it's not a problem to me to read/write in English, thanks for the offer. My English teacher already says : "Read in English." Well, I do.

You learn the French or not ?

So, this chapter : oh, it's so... there are too emotions. I love the Michael's dream and Brian's. It shows how they need to have friends, family.

Oh my god, it's so difficult to say what I feel (even in French ;))

So, I let you here and see you soon for the next chapter !

Bye )

P.S : oh, I'm a warrior, I read in English. But, not every day because I'm dead if I do it... XD
Toumies chapter 6 . 4/2/2010
Ho, ho, ho.

Hello !

It's been a long time, I know.

But I'm right here to read the end of the fiction. That's okay ? (slowly, of course because your chapters are long !)

So, what I think of this ?

I hate you. Because Brian is sick and it makes me sad. 'Cause Justin wants to go home but he can't. 'Cause Debbie saw in Brian's eyes his feelings and I think he would his Sunshine. Why his cancer is here again. It's not fair. Ow~

this was sadness but so real ! o

Ok, I'm fine. I'm not depressed... Yes ! BRIAN !

lol. I'm sorry, I'm a bit tired. XD

Kisses and see you soon in a review ! 3
spiotr01 chapter 1 . 2/25/2010
Hi! Just recently discovered QaF (I don't have Showtime!) and immediately turned to to see if there were any stories - have read your story through and love it! The writing is great and I love the development of the characters. Not sure if Ch 13 was the ending, but if not, I'm looking forward to more!
itzy chapter 13 . 11/10/2009
Love the story and have cried a small river so far.
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