Reviews for Blue Pill, White Pill, Blue Pill
Aladris chapter 1 . 5/13/2016
Wow, I can't stop reading your stories. Seriously, you are a brilliant writer. This fic has an awesome premise, not to mention it's perfectly proofread. I'm really glad you write so much, despite a "lack of 100s of reviews." The really good writers are the ones who don't write for popularity's sake. THANK YOU!
RagnartheSemiGreen chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
Fantastic. Your stories, while depressing, really capture the horrors of aging perfectly. I love the idea of the story, and the execution is brilliant.

I'm not even sure whether the line about being too old while alive and too young when dead is more depressing than Ichigo's advanced age or not!
CooWings chapter 1 . 12/15/2009
This is a refreshing story. Kudos to you for writing this one, and your attempt at this aging-difference of the human body and the gigai is quite powerful.

I would think this can perhaps go a bit longer, maybe with Ichigo recalling the times when he was still young; about how he could have easily lift Rukia up or carry her on his back and such. Maybe just a bit more added emphasis on the contrast between young Ichigo and old Ichigo.

Still, this is very nicely written.
Scherherazade chapter 1 . 10/20/2009
Well writen.
Hatake Tsughi chapter 1 . 9/28/2009
LOL thank was unique, very cool. But if I was Rukia I would have told Ichigo to get out of his body and into spirit form when we have sex, lol XD
P.Stowers chapter 1 . 9/22/2009
omg, wow this left me speechless at the end, wow, amazing job on this, love how ichigo is living the long life intended for him with rukia still being the same at his side, this just seemed so profound/insightful, i absolutely love it :)
Angel-In-Black chapter 1 . 9/19/2009
Thank you. It's refreshing to find an intellectual piece rather than poorly spelt fan service. I liked the idea, you seemed to have written it with some care rather than vomitting words on the page, and it came together very nicely.

Well done.
JadeRent chapter 1 . 9/18/2009
I've never read a story bold enough to actually confront the aging issue so realistically. And I gotta say, I really enjoyed it. You captured the sadness of dealing with a failing body, but kept the flow of still doing the day to day. My only critique would be 59 seems kinda young for the descriptions you used, however he was sick and I'm nowhere near 59, so how much do I really know. Great one shot!