Reviews for Suspain Missing Scenes
SecretKoalas394 chapter 18 . 11/26/2014
Oh my gosh. Chapter 18 was so perfectly done. I love how it shows the different kind of relationship Susan has with Aslan- not one that is only founded on fear and awe but one love. It's a perfect picture of our relationship with God. That made me so proud of Susan!
bellathedisenchated chapter 19 . 7/25/2010
Ooooh I absolutely loved this! I was heartbroken when Susan and Caspian parted in the movie, lol, and Ramandu's daughter, she's just, someone who seemed thrown in to be Queen. Anyway, your wonderful indulging fic made me feel all happy again, coz they are together.

Yup, the book just glossed over Aslan's world, and all the mean things said about Susan it was shocking. I was uncomfortable, its doesn't make any sense, how Susan is the gentle and beautiful one, and through the years it seemed beauty was her best virtue, as described in The Horse and the Boy.

Anyway, i really loved the movie's take on Susan's character and this little romance was pretty nice, very fun to fangirl and cry over, but yup, this beautiful fic of yours, thank you. Thank you heaps for writing up the way they got back together, without changing the events of the book.)

Ahh, that was a muddle of words, but I hope it got across that I completely enjoyed this fic.D
Ems-g chapter 7 . 6/23/2010
I wonder what happened with "that naked elf from Ettinsmoor"!
female-otaku chapter 19 . 5/4/2010
Really? This is the end! AW sad face :{ I thought this story was very well thought out in the beginning with all the Suspain-ness (which I so }) but as it progressed it got more and more confusing to me...probably cuz I havnt read past "The Voyage of the DAWN TREADER" (actually I havnt even finished THAT book like some where in chapter 12...I think) so I guess that gives me reason 2 read the rest of the series...cuz some of the ppl u mentioned I dont recall reading about...anyway...still..awesomeness points are awarded 2 u! XD
female-otaku chapter 10 . 5/2/2010
I thought the last chapter was sad but this...this was just TOO sad :'{...oh...the grief in which love brings upon one's sefl...tis tragic...:'{
Shrrgnien chapter 9 . 4/24/2010
You have done the impossible. I honor you. You have made me like Susan/Caspian. I don't like this ship. I think it was a cheap cinematic trick and screws up canonness.

But you made me like it. I don't know whether to hug you or slap you, but you made me like it. Drat.
BluePixieOfTheGalaxy chapter 19 . 4/16/2010
Aw! That was really sad! But still a great chapter! Yay! Your'e finally updating again! :D
mae-E chapter 19 . 4/15/2010
was an interesting chapter.
tin2lo chapter 19 . 4/13/2010

i know you've told me the basis for this chapter several times over and you've even borrowed my copy of the last battle but never did i think you would incorporate so much detail like the whole figuring out how everyone got in and how they can get out...

hmm "a certain unnamed someone who knows where you live"

would this certain someone happen to be someone i know?

*heavy sarcasm intended*
Starbucks3894 chapter 19 . 4/13/2010
Wonderful story. Phenomenal ending. Drinks all around. :D
JellyBellyBean chapter 19 . 4/12/2010

Adored this story, and am sad it's over.

Any thoughts about writing about their adventures to get back to life outside Aslan's Country? It's the perfect jumping off point for a whole new tale.

I hope you write more related to this story or something else in a similar tone.
mae-E chapter 18 . 2/26/2010
this was a good chapter! now the previous chapter makes sense. your doing good work.
MerDesi chapter 18 . 2/24/2010
Great way of getting through to her family. Caspian was the only one to hold true to what she was and not give up hope on her. Couldn't figure out why Ed was freaking out about her and beating up Caspian for it, until Aslan (you) revealed to Caspian what everyone else was seeing in regard to Susan being 'dead'.
epletre chapter 1 . 2/24/2010
loved it!
10293845 chapter 18 . 2/24/2010
I'm very sorry for not reviewing before, when I catch a breath and find some time, I'll review backwards! Sorry again! Now, I loved this chapter, I always thought that all those things the Pevensies said about Susan were harsh, cruel and against Aslan's teaching of loving friends and family and keeping faith, I'm happy someone agrees with me! :) Anyway, I loved how the mystery was solved, and Edmund's shock and almost insanity from the last chapter had some good reasons. I liked how the words of rejection caused Susan physical wounds in the eyes of those who said them. And I loved how you made Caspian Susan's protector, the last beacon and person who believes in her and will hold onto her against all odds. Very nicely done, I can't wait for more :)
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