Reviews for Playa Ed
Casslovesedwardcullen4life chapter 15 . 1/18/2012
I really wish you would update soon. I mean, you updated your other story a few days ago, but you won't update any other story. I think is unfair. I'm not trying to be all negative or anything, I just wish you would update your other stories too. I was not expecting this to happen in the last few chapters with James and Becky. I just think that Bella should tell Edward what happened with James when they are working on their project, then Edward bails on Becky so he go to the dance with Bella. Becky gets mad and starts dating James. James still loves Bella so he still wants her back. He tries to get her back with the help of becky, but Becky didn't know that they dated because she believed James about his new identity. She also wants Edward back so she ends up distracting Edward by trying to be, in a way, a "slut". James traps Bella and edward tries to save her. But Bella and Edward both get hurt but Bella wakes up before Edward and tries to leave to save him. The reason is bad because James is still alive even after getting hurt severely. He also escaped from prison. You can leave that as the end and write a sequel or you can continue the story. But Edward and Bella either end up together or Edward is too hurt to live so he dies but it will be weird because he comes back. The heartbeat is just too faint for the monitors to hear. I am so sorry for going on so much. I got to go now. Doug don't have to listen to this. To anybody who might read my review, please don't use this idea because it is for the author only. If the author doesn't use it, then I may end up writing my own story. I probably won't Though because I don't have an account. To the author again, don't feel like you. Ant use this Jidda just because I might write it. I really hope you consider this idea, or if you already have it planed out, then you will update soon and in an authors note, could you please say of you aren't using this idea so I can know. I hope to read more soon! 2001 CHARACTERS!


bellandeannedwardfan78 chapter 15 . 9/19/2010
omg pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee update this story its been nearly 6 months i hope all is well and to be able to read more
MIJVernon chapter 15 . 9/18/2010
wow poor bella wow i hope you keep writing or i will find u and kick you but till u do haha jk jk jk
fantasylover4evr chapter 15 . 4/30/2010
i love it! plz post more!
kdillin chapter 4 . 4/15/2010
ImmortalBella chapter 15 . 4/6/2010
Ohmygoodness why did she say no? This is getting very suspenseful and I can't wait for more!
ksrip chapter 15 . 4/2/2010
Ms. Kaylea chapter 15 . 4/2/2010
Great chapter! Please update soon!
Black Eyed Hawk chapter 15 . 4/1/2010
bookworm2341 chapter 15 . 4/1/2010
WHAT? HOW COULD SHE SAY THAT? why did she say that? please update soon?

byebyebirdy chapter 8 . 4/1/2010
this is a really good story but i think you should warn the readers that there are mentions of abuse in this story. i think its good, dont get me wrong but you need to mention that. on the brightside, you have allot of talent and you have a bright future. another suggestion too, maybe you should make it a little more... romantic in a way. show that edward can be bella love a little. Good luck!


lozzy035 chapter 15 . 4/1/2010
cant believe james is back

did he change his name so he wont get charged

cant believe he was able to wipe out his real records

update soon
RayahEvelyn chapter 15 . 3/31/2010
awsome story its really keeping me interested
bookworm2341 chapter 14 . 3/31/2010
ah update soon please

klvcj chapter 13 . 3/13/2010
please update soon
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