Reviews for It's Gonna Get Better
messermonroeforever125 chapter 1 . 4/6/2010
Umm, hello...perfect song much? That was so great. I've definitely been there, balling my eyes out because I was so homesick and alone in a dorm room. Loved that Lindsay never stopped being Lucy's mommy and made her blow her nose; their conversation over the phone was just perfect. :) Love love loved this piece.
Erydhrandir chapter 1 . 2/27/2010
Gosh... I just reread this and I can completely relate with what you've written. I'm in my second month of college now and the homesickness is still quite hard. The first week was awful. I bawled my eyes out to my mum too, just like Lucy. Ahahaha...

Thank you so much for this story. It ties my favourite tv 'family' with my own experiences so well and it makes me smile whenever I read it. Love it. :)
deviousnsinning chapter 1 . 9/24/2009
Aww, this is so adorable, Laura! You're doing such a great job of writing Lucy when she's older and I love the relationship she has between her and her parents.

You never fail to astound me with your oneshots and I squee like a little fangirl when I get the notification of a new one in my inbox.

Can't wait to read the next one you've got in store for us. :)
Hoot-Hoot-Ashie chapter 1 . 9/24/2009
aww she reminds me of me my first week at college except I was worse I bawled my eyes out anytime my roommate was gone lol Plus I wasn't half way across the country I was less than an hour from home...but still all the changes are overwhelming...I wanted to seriously squeeze your Lucy since I could understand :)
Melpomene Lee chapter 1 . 9/23/2009
Oh, poor Lucy! She can have my hugs!
gwen24 chapter 1 . 9/23/2009
aw poor Lucy, i just want to give her a big hug! it was really sweet hun and very believable.

great job as usual.:)
18lzytwner chapter 1 . 9/23/2009
Aw poor Lucy. This was cute.
Hope06 chapter 1 . 9/23/2009
beautuful I am a college student as well though I am living at home so I get to deal with a whole other set of emotions but anywho this was brillently written and you could just feel the emotion.

it is defintly a change for all and I can see Danny having difficulty as well
afrozenheart412 chapter 1 . 9/23/2009
First off, I want to thank you for whetting my appetite for DL and little Lucy just one day before the premiere. I'm so excited. And second this was very touching and made me laugh watery tears. It was both funny and sad, but something we all have to go through at one point. You showed Lindsay to be compassionate, loving, and very wise. :) Lucy was also so sweet, sarcastic, and sad. A perfect mixture of her parents. :D

I can't believe that the people in her classes don't talk to her. What snobs...or could it be that they are just afraid and homesick as she is? The only thing I'm surprised about is that Danny let his baby girl move so far away. I would think that he would have her at NYU or Chelsea just to drop in or check up on her. This was a great moment between Lindsay and Lucy, I hope you do more one shots.

Favorite lines

1/"Even if you’re on the other side of the US baby, doesn’t mean I stop being your mommy. Do as I say."

2/"And again...”

“Are you kidding me?” Lucy implored.

“Humour me, why don’t you?”

Sighing, but complying nonetheless, Lucy blew her nose.

“There we go,” Lindsay said cheerfully down the line, “Better?”

“No. Now I’m just mad at you for being so... you.”

“Isn’t that better than missing me?"

3/"Are you really freaking out about an air freshener?” Lindsay teased. “You’re more my daughter than I thought."

4/"You think all your friends aren’t going through the exact same emotions?” Lindsay said softly, “You don’t think that they’ve left friends behind – boyfriends – Lucy, you’re lucky... you didn’t have that problem.”

“My mother, ladies and gentleman,” Lucy scoffed. “Thanks for reminding me."

5/"Things about her new life that she could go home and tell all the people she loved and missed all about.

And that, she thought as she closed her eyes and slowly felt herself drifting off to sleep, was something to look forward to."
mellie chapter 1 . 9/22/2009
aw hunny buns! I absolutely loved it. EXACTLY the feelings I think EVERYONE goes through at some point in their life, ESPECIALLY when it comes to college/moving away from home.

I loved it and ... YAY FOR COLLEGE!
ATrueRookieBlue chapter 1 . 9/22/2009
Aww that was so beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes. x
saderia chapter 1 . 9/22/2009
It so should be a part two. That was so good.

laura817 chapter 1 . 9/22/2009
Laurzz i'm hoping this isn't a bit of fiction mimiking real life here?

great writing & story.
iheartcsinewyork chapter 1 . 9/22/2009
So... I feel the need to ask. How's college going for you Laura? :) This was an adorable story! I hope you aren't feeling like this! :( I'll knock the girls 10 ways from Tuesday for messing with my girlie girl! ;) Love ya! This was amazing! :D
Lola-Ladybug13 chapter 1 . 9/22/2009
This is really cute... I love how you made lucy so much like lindsay... great job!
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