Reviews for Warm
Fayet chapter 1 . 6/20/2010
Very nice again. How come that all these great one-shots don't have more reviews? People seem to get lazy these days. How sad.

Anyways, I wish we knew how this continued. And you probably don't feel like turning this one-shot into a multi-chapter thing (I never do that, at least), but it would be appreciated.
Hypatia-s chapter 1 . 9/23/2009
Only Severus can be so compassionate and snarky simultaneously.

Severus tossed him a disdainful look. “Where are we going you mean. To my house, where you will burn that clothing, take your potion and stop being generally pathetic.”

That was awesome.
Dust Particle chapter 1 . 9/22/2009
LOL love Severus in this one. Deep down.. he's really quite nice. :)