Reviews for The Bed Bath Paradigm Shift
Chippers chapter 13 . 7/21/2017
Sweet. Loved getting Sheldon's perspective while he was out.
Iagan chapter 13 . 1/3/2017
That was brilliant!
MostEvilIceQueen chapter 13 . 7/27/2016
Awww! Your line about being with someone who drives you insane got me thinking! You're awesome! hope you keep writing :D
kimjo2 chapter 13 . 3/12/2015
Lovely story. That's really true when we love then inspite (lot because) of their wackadoodle ways. Thanks so much
FuzzBucket chapter 11 . 6/2/2013
You really understand the Penny/Sheldon dynamic and thats what makes me love this fic so much, because its almost as if its happening for real on TBBT. I just wish it was longer, thats all.
cosmiclove chapter 13 . 4/1/2013
totally cute! I love it!
Spunkalovely chapter 13 . 3/20/2013
I love the ending! It's perfect!
SeverusSnape'sLove chapter 13 . 8/31/2012
Aww, this story is so cute! :) I love it.
Jen4850 chapter 13 . 6/4/2012
Guess her insides were loosing molecular consistency too.
Julie chapter 13 . 4/21/2012
I really enjoyed this, and this was really well done. I especially liked the conversations/thought debates Sheldon was having in his head as he lay in a coma. Thank you for
IplayWithinMyHead chapter 13 . 3/8/2012
Oh. Wow. I simply loved this story. It was amazingly set up and written It was- I don't even know. Just. Amazing and made me lose my breath and get butterflies.
LifeFiction chapter 13 . 2/11/2012
Aww the power of Soft Kitty, I love it!
Frust-sheep chapter 13 . 1/16/2012
Oh wonderful story and really wonderful written. :) I loved it, so I put it to my favs of course. :D
WellPlayedPenny chapter 1 . 12/11/2011
Enjoyed the story. I especially liked your replay of the accident from different perspectives. You have a pleasing storytelling style. (o:B ~Lynn
novlomien chapter 1 . 12/6/2011
This was a really great story! So refreshing to read something like this. thank you for sharing this.
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