Reviews for If history could be rewritten
Virgin-Princess-Woes chapter 11 . 11/14/2012
i cried... alot! this was amazing!
Akamenishi chapter 11 . 6/7/2011

I fell in love with your story I am glad that Ryu found the courage to fight his father and also that's funny to read how Yankumi came during the last fight and was just like "what's going on here?"

Congratulations )
riinala19 chapter 11 . 9/16/2010
great story i loved it! their romance was so adorable XD
3466-0402 chapter 3 . 12/5/2009
You should avoid using Japanese if you can't spell the words correctly...
grapetruffle chapter 1 . 12/1/2009
...I sense...ABUSE! XD I feel smart! Sorry ain't gonna say much, but I REALLY wanna get to the next chapter XD i actually like your style of writing better than mine XP I wish I could write in 3rd person XD! Whenever I try, i fail...epically. I can only do crappy third person and even crapier 1st XP

I like the way you wrote their thoughts out though, when I do thoughts...actually cause I write in first person it doesn't matter...duh.

I just one elses name but Ryu's, Hayato's and Yankumi's came up, was that meant to be that way?
petites sorcieres chapter 11 . 10/23/2009
I'm so glad :') Ryu finally manage to escape froĆ¹m that hell, though I wish Yankumi would have helped a bit more Anyway, your story was great thank you :D
xxL Arc En Cielxx chapter 6 . 10/21/2009
Whoo! Halfway mark review ]

I really like the story so far. You kept them well in character and how they picked on Ryu in the beginning was a good scene.

I like how made Hayato believe that Ryu got hit by a metal door xD Do they even make metal doors? Hah, no matter. That just makes it even funnier.

I felt the transfer between friendship and love was a little rushed, even though you included that there were three weeks in between. And I think three weeks is a realistic time interval. (High schoolers fall fast these days!xD)

Who, Hayato turns into a stalker! Haha, onto the reading! I also saw the sequel on your profile. I'll read that too!
Nightwing Gurl chapter 11 . 10/12/2009
omg! I knew it! I totally knew it! I loved this chapter even before it was posted! yay! really wonderful! I am only sad that it came to an end.

wait...did I just hear a sequel? a sequel is coming up? omg! Thats awesome! I'll be waiting for it!

I really loved the way you write and how you develope the events. You are a good writer. I respect you.

Lavi-loves-Yuu chapter 11 . 10/12/2009
At the beginning I didn't like your fanfic as much as I do now. It was good but some things moved to fast for my liking ... but then also your style of writing improved and I've come to love your story. ... You had me living through so much emotions in this chapter.

I love the way you portrayed Hayato. Like the loudmouthed and rash guy he is but also with a tender and caring side. That's the way he should be.

And Ryu... I am so glad that he really kicked his fathers ass! Serves that bastard right. And I think Ryu is that kind of character that sometimes needs to be proteced by others but still he had to do that, to stand up to his father to be able to move on.

I am very much looking forward to a sequel. Please continue writing.
Nightwing Gurl chapter 10 . 10/9/2009
~kya!~ omg! You have no idea how happy I am that I have stumbled on your story. It really made my day. I loved and enjoyed every single chapter of it! I'm loving how Hayato and Ryuu's relationship is developing. Theya are so cute together! awee, a protective Hayato is so kawaii! This is definately one of the best stories I've ever read in the Gokusen category! -BANZAI- I really hope you continue with this and update soon.

Anon chapter 10 . 10/6/2009

Thank You for updating!
anon chapter 9 . 9/26/2009
poor Ryo. hope Hayato can help him. akame 4ever!