Reviews for Harry Potter and the Price of Being Noble
Duchess67 chapter 39 . 7/21
ROTFLMHO Oh my gosh, the Dursley's soooooo deserved that!
Veronica McClure chapter 49 . 7/16
Only if Arthur lets you out of bed!
Duchess67 chapter 30 . 7/16
I love what Amelia did to Malfoy in this chapter! LOL
Veronica McClure chapter 45 . 7/15
In French households they believe in giving children a tiny glass of wine with dinner.
Veronica McClure chapter 41 . 7/13
Everything the girls feel, Harry will feel, I thought...
VA23 chapter 53 . 7/12
Quite the enjoyable story. I hope you write more one day.
TinkaPrime chapter 53 . 7/10
Woot going to re read this hope for more soon.
blueycat chapter 53 . 7/2
I would really like to see another chapter of this
ODSTJLocke chapter 53 . 6/30
wish he would continue this story it is very well written
Scififan33 chapter 5 . 6/27
it's interesting but writing their accents like that is just making it too frustrating and annoying to read. Plus, for someone who doesn't like his choices being taken from him, he's taking this way too well. I'm leaving this here, your other fics are definitely better
rebecca85 chapter 47 . 6/24
Hello! Just thought to comment on that pesky annoyance about the fidelius charm, how people can say it out loud? Yes, they can. They can even write it down. They can even shout it from the rooftops. But the people listening who don't know the secret? They forget. They don't remember the secret anymore. They don't know what they heard or read. Because the secret needs to be protected from BEFORE it was made a secret. The ministry probably has records of the Blacks home address, but now they don't remember it after reading it. There will also be no discrepancies in their records, because the address isn't actually missing. People who know the secret, but suddenly couldn't say it, would look really suspicious and give away that there IS a secret. It's better to just say it and then it fades from people's minds. Like a notice-me-not spell on a concept. That's how I've always understood it worked. Also, because they all know the secret, why would it protect itself from others who know it? Now that you pointed it out, your version doesn't make sense to me...
Archleone chapter 5 . 6/23
Not that it matters, as this story seems quite abandoned and it was also written by a Hermione fanboy (judging by your other stories), but I think adding Hermione to the relationship was a terrible idea. This story is, at least from the start, about Fleur and her sister "bonding" with Harry, and the three of them dealing with how that changed their life and later about their love and struggles in life against Voldemort and whatever else. Hermione has no place in that. Adding her cheapens the entire premise.

It would be different if this were a "normal" harem story, but this is one specifically based around the idea of the veela love bond (which is a silly idea, but whatever. Soul bonds always struck me as extremely stupid, at least how they're usually presented) and Hermione is not a Veela. So it should /just/ be Harry and the Veela girls who love him- i.e. Fleur and Gabrielle.

And it would have actually added a very interesting dynamic to the story where Harry quickly falls in love with the two Veela girls, and they him, which leaves zero room for Hermione who also happens to have a huge crush on Harry. She would have to deal with her feelings towards him in a way that's healthy (and probably struggle along the way) in order to preserve their friendship. Otherwise, it would fester into an ugly jealousy that would tear their friendship apart. So Harry and Hermione would have to deal with that in different ways, all the while Harry needs to get used to his new reality as a double boyfriend, and also the Triwizard Tournament, the bullying, the shitty comments from racists (towards his girls), the fact that Voldemort is still out there, etc. etc.

It sounds more interesting to me than "Veela stuff! Oh, and Hermione too I guess because she's my faaaavorite and I have no self-control as a writer".
Archleone chapter 1 . 6/23
It's amusing you say that Harry controls girls in harem stories. I feel that I've seen the opposite far, far more often. Harry basically acts like a slave to the various girls he's attached to, and they walk all over him. I have to actively search to find a harem story where Harry has anything resembling a back bone, but then most of those are shit for other reasons.
Sakura Lisel chapter 20 . 6/20
Um... Petunia never stopped to consider NOT being a shrieking banshee at the sight of a rat and basically treeing herself high up on something in terror waiting who KNOWS how long for VERNON to come home and deal with the rat problem, and simply deal with the problem HERSELF? Like when she was cursed with diarrhea, and had another rat encounter, she hopped onto a chair like usual, then made the chair hop over to the phone, but instead of calling the exterminator HERSELF, she calls Vernon to demand he come home and call the exterminator? Better yet why does Vernon even need to go home just to call the exterminator when he could have made the call from his office phone without leaving work at all and leave Petunia to deal with the rat and exterminator by herself. *lol*
Veronica McClure chapter 39 . 6/20
"...her her." ?
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