Reviews for I Need to Breathe
LissaDream chapter 56 . 6/14
I enjoyed this. Thank you.
NoonaMaya chapter 46 . 1/5
at this point I think Hermione is so selfish. OMG I don't know why I keep reading this obnoxious Hermionie' story. lol! I don't like the story but you are a good writer
NoonaMaya chapter 28 . 1/4
at this chapter, somehow I feel hogwarts need Minerva back X. she was better headmistress than hormonal snape. lol
NoonaMaya chapter 22 . 1/4
even thou snape did not mention the event was not muggle casual, hermione should know much for brightest witch huh?!
NoonaMaya chapter 22 . 1/4
wow, did he hurt her over a joke?
NoonaMaya chapter 17 . 1/3
ah finallu make sense
NoonaMaya chapter 16 . 1/3 this chapter I really confuse, are they divorce or not?i thought they are divorce, but hermione can not change her name, and then I read they can not divorce so I thought they relationship in limbo. oh my...
NoonaMaya chapter 16 . 1/3
this Hermione things give me amount of frustation. she's should be the brightest witch and war heroin, but her life is completly mess and she can't do anything even like control her emotion?!
SNL31 chapter 56 . 6/24/2019
Awww I really liked this story. Very angst filled, yes, but overall a good plot and story. Cheers!
SNL31 chapter 20 . 6/23/2019
Why is she teaching charms. Minerva taught transfiguration...
aow28 chapter 56 . 10/25/2018
I think this author has talent. I hated the story but I wanted to finish it, I'm pretty good at stopping if I don't like a fic, but something kept me reading. I found the whole dynamic between Snape and Hermione distasteful. The Hermione characterization was completely off. Abby was definitely the best part of the story.
pixelbun1 chapter 56 . 10/2/2018
this is one heck of a soap opera. You know the kind where everything is blown out of proportion, characters are always screaming at each other, flailing from one crisis to the next. While not badly written, I stopped about 2/3 through because I just got so tired of the endless drama.
Guest chapter 56 . 9/16/2018
I concur with the comment below. I kept reading even though I did not enjoy the last half of the story because I was hoping it would get better.. It did not.

Too unnecessarily complicated and frustrating andlong. I'm just glad it over and I can go into something else.

It wasn't ALL bad, and some of the ideas were new, just not a great combination in ONE story. The Lucius thing should have been one story, the Abby thing should have been one story, and the Grand Master thing should have been one story... But so if them together was just too much.
cenen chapter 27 . 6/22/2018
pff, this doesn't make sense anymore... Hermione would not behave like this... I am still reading, but I don't enjoy it.
tainted-tash chapter 41 . 4/22/2018
At least she's starting to get somewhere
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