Reviews for Cupid Uses Bullets
CrimsonZero chapter 8 . 7/7/2010
I admit, when I got the Story Alert for this chapter, I was a little confused. And then I re-read the whole story and I remembered why this story was on my alert list. The chapters may be short but they sure have a lot happening in them!

I do hope this person (who I suspect is Tea. I can't imagine anyone else saying "Dearest Seto") finds him. I'm very anxious to see what happens! Your plot is very original and suspenseful. I can't imagine what will happen next!
CrimsonZero chapter 7 . 11/25/2009
WOW, how does this have no reviews? Very well done, I must admit, I was thrown off in the beginning chapters but after reading this chapter, I can see how it all kinda comes together. I love the level of detail you put it here; I can pretty much picture everything in my mind.

Your title also intrigues me...

I look forward to your next chapter!