Reviews for It Matters
FlashFiction chapter 1 . 9/26/2011
I started watching Worst Witch, but I never finished it. I should watch it again some time! Nice story :)
Rick-Is-The-Man chapter 1 . 4/10/2011
This is really heart-warming and wonderful! Keep writing :)
Chrissiemusa chapter 1 . 2/10/2011
Cackle's would be nothing without HB sure she's tough but seriously, who doesn't like having a teacher whose a little rough around the edges. Usually they are the teachers that you admire most. Great little chapter. Maybe you could write something about the conversation between Cackle and HB after she said that she was resigning. It's great either way :)
MaySprings chapter 1 . 6/13/2010
Thank you, firstly for reviewing Aftermath and thus reminding me to pop over and check up on what you've been doing recently (and this time I will remember to put you on Author Alert lol) but secondly for reintroducing me to something I hadn't thought about in years - I grew up on Worst Witch! That was lovely, sweet and incredibly touching without losing the essence of the characters, and a fantastic way to finish a weekend. So finally, thank you for, as usual, making my day a little bit brighter :D x
young wiccan chapter 1 . 4/19/2010
So adorable! I LOVE fics where HB and Mildred have a tender moment. I feel the show is very inconsistent in that way. At the end of an episode, HB could be very happy with Mildred but then the next, it's like it never happened and she's back to being horrible to her. Even with HB's personality, I don't think that's very realistic
Blondie47 chapter 1 . 3/11/2010
*sobs* this made me all teary and sad. excellent writing. love it!
Princess Sammi chapter 1 . 9/29/2009
Wow just beautiful, absolutely beautiful :)

This was very cleverly done and would have made a fabulous end to the conversation ( which I still view as one of the best moments in WW history) between the two.

Really good idea and so well written

bravo once again dear

Hope you write more

Princess Sammi

The Half Cast Mourne Posh Girl chapter 1 . 9/29/2009
that was beautiful with a capital B i loved it!

i didnt want it to stop :D

'What did HB have?' Loved it, i read it twice, it was just so... ahh cant think of the word... erm ... ill just stick with emotional for now

all in all i thought it was absolutely brilliant and i dont think anyone could have put it better than the way you did

i hope you write more HB ff's as you are just so...erm...better than good... FANTASTIC!
RandomMoniker chapter 1 . 9/29/2009
Love it! I really like the way you've extended an existing scene when we never really found out what happened between them during their conversation. Well done.