Reviews for Sweet Disposition
Ahyah chapter 17 . 1/21/2016
Colour me impressed! I enjoyed reading it from start to finish. I really liked the interactions. This is a story I would read again and plan to sometime in the future. Kudos!
Guest chapter 17 . 6/4/2014
Loved it
pettydoyle chapter 10 . 2/24/2013
it's Ed isn't it? he's the mole. it has too be.
dream2be428 chapter 17 . 12/17/2012
this was a very cute story! i liked it :)
Gadget Girl chapter 16 . 10/19/2012
Oh, and I would LOVE a sequel to Sweet Disposition, by the way! We need to know what happens during Carter and Rosie's 2-week vacation and beyond! Please, please, please? I'm so going to look forward to it! :)
Gadget Girl chapter 17 . 10/19/2012
If there's going to be a sequel to Princess Protection Program with Selena and Demi reprising their roles as Carter Mason and Princess Rosalinda Maria Montoya Fiore (oh, how I wish this was true; a Princess Protection Program 2 with Selena and Demi would be much greatly appreciated like no other), we, your readers, would personally request that Disney will ask for your permission to incorporate this entire lovely and wonderful story you have so kindly, patiently, and generously written to please us PPP/Demelena/Carosie fans exactly as it is without changing a single thing into a big production movieā€”not just a TV Disney Channel movie, I might add (although it will do too, I'm not really that picky), but a movie that will be shown to cinemas across the globe to, you know, reach out to our fellow Demelena fans and quench our yearning to see our favorite girls do another movie together. ;)

Seriously though, thank you so much for writing this marvelous fic! I enjoyed my time reading it from start to finish. You've written it so nicely that you truly captured my interest without a hitch. I know that you've written it three years ago now and that I'm pretty late for this, but I still want to show you love through this review. I just watched PPP again the other day, you see, so I needed to sate my craving for Carter and Rosie as loving girlfriends with a healthy romantic relationship since the movie didn't show enough of that for my taste. lol

Trust me, this excellent fic of yours has already become one of my favorites. It was extremely romantic and sweet with a touch of comedy and drama and a little climactic action which makes everything just perfect. For me, it was very impressive and I'm glad that I read it! :)
Koona chapter 17 . 7/10/2012
A truly amazing story you've created, well written and beautifully romantic with just the right amount of drama. I enjoyed this story immensely, and would definitely love to see a sequel at some point, even if this story is two and a half years past, I think it would be worth it to consider a second installment. Well done and keep up with the awesome writing, you have real talent. :)
Koona chapter 1 . 7/9/2012
Awesome start, I've never read a story from this fandom before, but now I'm really excited. I'm off to read the rest now, I do love complete stories. :)
0-FudgeNugget-0 chapter 17 . 4/28/2012
I love this story :)

May be alittle late but you should definately do a sequel :D

Guest chapter 17 . 1/17/2012
Loved it!
Sue chapter 17 . 11/6/2011
Thankyou! its been such a wonderful experience whyl reading ur fabulous work!
Guest chapter 17 . 8/15/2011
Out of all of the PPP fslash fics I have read I feel like you've captured the personalities the best. You're a great great writer. You for sure brought the characters to life and that's what made this story so enjoyable. I hope you consider another PPP fic since you did such a great job on this one.
TheAnnakpick chapter 17 . 8/10/2011
I'm not a big fan of slash stuff, but I am very impressed with this story. I actually started reading it because the summery sounded interesting. Very nice job!
Closet.Poet.13 chapter 17 . 6/28/2011
i very much liked this story. it was so sweet! you're an amazing writer and i hope you continue to write stories as amazing as this one. :)
confusedaf chapter 4 . 6/9/2011
i like it
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