Reviews for veterans
greetingsfrommaars chapter 1 . 8/1/2013
yeah, being alive is nice, I'd say. xP
this is completely in character. it also makes me badly want the Bleach manga's hiatus to end. sigh...
actually, what Ichigo says happens to remind me of one of your DGM drabbles, where Allen says, "you look like the world fell on you". I think that is what really did happen to Ichigo... or I'm going to loopy again. well, I'm almost done! :D
flavumetrubrum chapter 1 . 12/6/2009
Aw, I loved that! I love Ichigo/Renji friendship! Great job!
cherryblonde chapter 1 . 10/11/2009
Thank you so much for posting this. They are both so in character and there's just the right amount of space between the things stated here..

Even though these two are kind of my otp, it's fic like this that reminds me they make for pretty awesome bff's, too )