Reviews for Bless the Wings
GraceTheNerdyGirl chapter 1 . 3/11/2014
Okay, so I never read M rated stuff, but I just wanted to mention that your summary made me laugh out loud. Literally. As in I am in the back of my mom's car crying, and she is looking at me like I am insane. I don't know why I thought it was so funny, but it is. Great attention grabber. Just wanted to let you know you brightened my day. Bye and have a great day.
cageaftercage chapter 1 . 1/7/2014
wow this is the best fan-fiction I ever read you are like up there with Dr. Sexy like really your like her counterpart I'm sooo glad I stumbled across this story honestly utter perfection can't wait for more stories from you
ZenyZootSuit chapter 1 . 4/6/2013
Beautiful. The summary made me laugh :)
KyoKohitsuji chapter 1 . 5/10/2010
aw new fave cuteness
kiky21 chapter 1 . 10/11/2009
wow! amazing once again 3