Reviews for Specialities
CrystalOfTime chapter 11 . 10/26/2015
That was awesome.
CrystalOfTime chapter 7 . 10/26/2015
Oh God...
CrystalOfTime chapter 5 . 10/26/2015
CrystalOfTime chapter 3 . 10/26/2015
You are not crappy! This is really good!
Luv2live23 chapter 11 . 8/12/2013
I really enjoyed this was lenghty but captivating. I honestly wish there were more chapters; nevertheless, keep doing a fantastic job.
wolfawaken chapter 11 . 11/22/2010
I do hope you write more. I am new to this anime so any fan stories I can read will be a threat to me. I how have 2 anime's yami no matsuei and trinity blood as well as

Harry Potter.
ansera chapter 11 . 1/22/2010
Hey, I am really enjoying this story - I admit, I started reading for the Hugue/Leon, and it's been wonderful so far. Keep writing.
serpant02 chapter 1 . 1/17/2010
Oh wow. That was interesting. It's to read with how you have the characters set up with different personalities and even ages. Very well written too.
The Dooms chapter 11 . 12/31/2009
Hm...I'm only going to guess who sings next...Slash. And I've even got a song lined up for him, but that's only if I'm right.

And yes, you now have free reign to use any of my characters here...Unless you abuse their personalities. Then? Problem.

See ya!

Psycho "DoomsEye" The Hedgehog
Cloaked-Creature chapter 11 . 12/31/2009
Hey Abie, Luce, Hidan and Brandon )

Yay! ya updated!

I love chapter 11, you really chose a great song for Abel and it's just plain GREAT chap 11!

Answers to ya Quizzy:

(1) Radu and Ion

(2) Leon... I think

(3) Dietrich hasn't said anything to Hugue, thus it's a trick question.

(4) The answer could be either of these: Nobody believes Slash knew where Leon's meds were or nobody believes Slash has a real hand or nobody believes Slash has a metal hand or that Leon didn't know that Slash was coming.

Sorry for the many answers for no. 4, but I couldn't choose one, so I chose them all. XD


Gotta go, see ya!

Cloaked-Creature chapter 10 . 11/21/2009
Hi, chapter 10 is great! I was laughing so loudly that I actually woke the family up in the house last night or very early this morning. I wonder who was that at the end... I have my guesses. Review ya later! D.v.L
YinDigi chapter 9 . 11/20/2009
Ahh their goes Hugue again. xD Funny chapter does Hugue need to barrow my Three Days Grace album? I would gladly let him use it if he's going to start singing on the karaoke machine or will that be a No. rofl
InLuvWithMicky chapter 9 . 11/19/2009
Hehe. I like it. Keep going. Can't wait for the romance to begin.
Cloaked-Creature chapter 9 . 11/18/2009
Hi, this is a awsome story. It's hilarious, sad, a bit of everything. Can't wait for the next chapter. Sorry that I haven't reviewed it sooner, I am probably one of the first who read it, but (there always seems to be an excuse with me) I didn't have an account then and was/am very busy. Review ya later! D.v.L
InLuvWithMicky chapter 8 . 11/5/2009
Dudes, this chappie is awesome. Slash sounds awesome. Hughe sounds... feminine. Please don't tell me Ehster is with William. XO
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