Reviews for Albert Кот
SergeiVladimir chapter 1 . 3/13
Can you give me a translation authorization?
This is so cute,I want to translate it into Chinese!
I'll point out the original author!
Thank you very much!
(Who doesn't like cats?!)
Salysha chapter 7 . 9/8/2012
"Astonishingly, Wesker did not rise. He did not scowl. He simply sat there in brief silence before getting right back to his paperwork, remarking, 'How observant you are to realize I don't wear the pants in the relationship.'" -Golden!

This is an adorable story through and through, and I would very much like to see it continued. The writing is light-hearted and sound, and this is so much fun to read. Wesker's not a doormat; he comes across as likable, despite the crown of martyrdom cast on him. He just wears it with attitude. Like a lioness fighting for her cubs...

Since I ran into this with the filters on: Did you mean to have M-rated content somewhere down the line? Right now, it's strictly T.

A word missing (Ch. 7)? "The researcher took no notice of the cat, nor did he the Umbrella officer." Other than that, no complaints! Cat named Albert... and S.T.A.R.S. finding out about it... every little interlude... priceless!
Prisonerksc2-303 chapter 7 . 10/25/2009
Freaking epic cat indeed XD. I see Wesker is making it a habit to take little Albrt with him to the RPD, how cute is that! Joseph and gang are probably having a ball with Albie lol. I laughed when Wesker asked Albert if he wanted to see Daddy Sergei, lmao! The cat sure is rubbing off on him :). Wow! Good thing Albert bit his leg at a time like that! Wesker would've...would've...oh I don't want to say it! Anyway, Albie really does love Wesker :D. Who couldn't, he's awesome lol. Geez, Birkin is a bit of a jerk here. Well, I guess since it was his lifes work. I like how Wesker brings Albert a snack, its nice that he's thinking of him and all. Loved the update! It wonderful like always! Keep it up! Update when you have the time to, I'll be waiting! XD
NyteStalker chapter 7 . 10/25/2009
lol I love it another great story keep it going
Rainbow Smite chapter 7 . 10/22/2009
Pish, Wesker would have been fine. You saw him in CVX, he was epic! All the same, it was still so cute.
DarknessCat chapter 7 . 10/22/2009
Kid From Yesterday chapter 7 . 10/22/2009
Lol, super hero cat XD
AccountDismissed chapter 7 . 10/22/2009
Albert saved Albert, good for him. I have heard stories where pets save lives, they like can predict earthquakes, or wake sleeping tenets during a fire. update soon.
Special Agent FUNK chapter 7 . 10/22/2009

-Falls over laughing- The only reason I update Flexi is so you would update this one.

How odd, it actually worked.

As for the review xD Haha... Oh God, that cat is epic. I think saving Wesker's ass beats catching Wesker a hawk.

Hehe so cute. Update soon. Or I will eat you. So there.
Prisonerksc2-303 chapter 6 . 10/21/2009
Loved the updates! Nice place for Albie's play space, right behind Wesker's desk XD. Well at least this time Albert didn't do his cat duties on something or someone important :D. So Wesker doesn't wear the pants in the relationship, haha. How cute! Wesker and Albert sleeping on the couch together, I'd love to walk in on that! Can't wait to see what happens next! Keep up the fantastic job! Love it! XD
Prisonerksc2-303 chapter 5 . 10/21/2009
Well, well, well XD. Looks like Wesker loves Albie lol. And just what could Wesker be "sore" from? Oh the possibilities, only Sergei knows for sure lol. I'd love to Wesker lick his lips :D. Aw, Albert is so cute! Its no wonder Wesker is taking a liking to him but wasn't it suppossed to be Sergei who takes a liking to Albie, LOL! So Joseph and Forest played hooky so they could go out and get cat supplies, how sweet XD. Another day at the RPD, how fun! Wonderful job! Next chapter!
toolazytosignin chapter 1 . 10/20/2009
i love the idea of Wesker not being so intimidating, and how he actually talks with his team. I figured he would be distant. You made me see light. :] NO! lol Wesker, Sergei's boyfriend? Totally love Albert cat btw.
Rainbow Smite chapter 6 . 10/18/2009
So cute! Must vomit! Sorry, it's so cute! I like it, it's just I never thought that the two of them would have such a loving relationship. It would be more like a constant fight for dominance and fucking in allies and on desks while saying they hated each other. I didn't grow up in a very loving home.
AccountDismissed chapter 6 . 10/18/2009
Wesker is mommy? LOl. Awesome, another great chapter. Cant wait to read more.
Special Agent FUNK chapter 6 . 10/18/2009
This update wasnt long enough, Bob. Not long enough by far.

But very cute though. Whe xD

Well, seeing as you're the queen of updates these days, I'll just say I'm lookin' forward to the next chappie _
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