Reviews for Don't Stop Believin'
Melpomene Lee chapter 1 . 11/8/2009
Dang it! I was hoping to use that title at some point! One of the greatest songs ever written, no doubt about it! LOVED this whole thing! I was about to cry at this scene, then my mom starts freaking out about how unsafe it would be since he's holding his baby and he just started walking that afternoon. Then again, she's a Danny-hater, so I guess I could've...Never mind. Loved it, and I'm so glad you finally updated WYHTG!
ncisabbylover chapter 1 . 10/19/2009
I don't know how i missed this! i've been looking out for your post ep oneshot and somehow i missed it. anyway...when anna drops those tissues by, send her my way cause she owes me some too. i loved this...i'm actually kinda happy i found it late...its my mid week d/l fix hehe...thanks!

love abs x0x
Hope06 chapter 1 . 10/18/2009
I squed at this scene originally truth be told I was like you bawling.

amazing follow up amazing

ps love to add you to FB if you want message me
messermonroeforever125 chapter 1 . 10/17/2009
Not gonna lie, I was kind of close to tears when I saw this scene...great job conveying the emotions Lindsay was feeling and writing out the rest of the scene...can't wait til next week :) awesome job!
caitlynmary chapter 1 . 10/17/2009

I usually don't read oneshots but I love danny/Lucy stories(:

I cry everytime I watch that scene ,

I officially love on demand (:

I've watched just that scene like 4729572947295 times already(:

cry everytime .
gwen24 chapter 1 . 10/17/2009
aw that was awesome! but then again so was the episode, well the last scene. i don't think i've stopped smiling for two days.:P

but this was very sweet and rang so true. Lindsay is so good at kicking his ass.

and Danny making sure he keeps his promises to his girls, he's the best!

loved it as always in case you couldn't guess.:P

18lzytwner chapter 1 . 10/16/2009
So cute! Now I really can't wait to get to my DVR.
iheartcsinewyork chapter 1 . 10/16/2009
Incredible! I've finally seen the epi! I loved this and the episode equally, this was amazing! And she said casanova, hehe! I loved it! :D Awesome job Laura!
afrozenheart412 chapter 1 . 10/16/2009
I'm sorry I'm late, but this was totally WORTH THE WAIT! You captured last night's scene perfectly and even put the much needed explanation on why he was still dodging the truth about his therapy. *hugs!* And the two of them holding Lucy...god, why isn't this program 2 hours long? I adore how you included a reason for Lindsay's short hair, with Lucy tugging on it. So cool! I have two favorite parts. One, where Lindsay was kicking his butt trying to get through to him and Danny finally admitting that he wanted to keep his promise. And Two, the ending where they were in bed enjoying the fact that things between them are better than ever now. It has all of the emotion and beauty from that scene and more. You should be really proud of this! Excellent job! Plus it is DL...who needs sleep? :D

Favorite lines

1/"Lindsay made eye contact with her baby girl, who was grinning, almost as if to say, “Mommy, look what I got Daddy to do.” The exchanged looks between mother and daughter effectively knocked the shocked expression from Lindsay’s face was replaced with a huge smile, stretching from one side of her face to the other."

2/"Defeated. She shuffled over to him, knelt down in front of his chair, and reminded him that he’d promised her that he was going to dance with her, and her daughter at her wedding – and while he was sat in the chair he couldn’t do that- which wasn’t going to work for her, because whether he liked it or not, she WAS dancing with him at their daughter’s wedding. He’d cupped her face with his hands, pressed a kiss to her lips and told her he loved her."

3/"I’m just proud of you,” she sniffled, desperate to stop the flow of tears. “And I love you.”

He turned her slightly and stood so that his forehead was resting against hers, Lucy snuggled between her parents. He rubbed his nose against hers before placing a kiss to her lips. “I wouldn’t be stood here right now if it wasn’t for you. You and you only."

4/"Shifting in his arms she turned so that she was laid on her side, facing him. “How long have you wanted to say that?”

“Since the day I met you,” he smiled as he pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose. “Go to sleep, Linds,”

“G’night Dan,” she whispered as she snuggled into his pillow.

She took a deep breath as she closed her eyes. Together, they were slowly doing it. Getting through that crazy thing called life – and all the stuff it liked to throw in their direction.

She knew though, that at the end of every day, they were in it together.

And that was all that really mattered."

Erydhrandir chapter 1 . 10/15/2009
Yay! I've been looking forward to this post-ep ever since I saw the ep. And as usual, you did not let me down. XD Loved it, as always. Anna owes me a box of tissues too. Let her know when she finds you, kay? lol.
unlikelyRLshipper chapter 1 . 10/15/2009
Here I am, still trying to pick myself up from the puddle of goo that last night's episode left me in, and then I see a post-ep by laurzz, read it, and am now in a permanent goo-like state.

I must strongly agree with you - there are NO words for that scene, and Anna's performance hit it out of the park.

And your post-ep has taken it to the next level yet, into the stratosphere!

The family hug/conversation, then Lindsay supporting Danny back to their bed, and then the whole ending - I have no words that can accurately express how awesome your fic is! I'll probably end up reading it as many times as I rewatch the final scene (billions of times)

Thank you so much for this!

make.tracks.cowboy11 chapter 1 . 10/15/2009
so clearly this is payback for me making you get out of bed at 5:30 to watch the episode, no?

i just died of squeeing! (:

i really thing CBS needs to hire you; you have this strange way with knowing exactly what they seemed to have left

brilliant story as always! I'd have to say my favorite parts were when Lindsay let Danny make it back to the crib on his own, the cutesy little family moment when Lucy put her hands on their faces, and of course: “One step at a time, Casanova.”

that one definately had me in a giggle fit :)

brilliant! 3
Sweetlilloz chapter 1 . 10/15/2009
I loved it i loved it I loved it very sweet really I loved it
deviousnsinning chapter 1 . 10/15/2009
The DLL scene last night was amazing and I couldn't wait to read your extension to it. What you came up with is absolutely gorgeous, Laura, and you filled in all the missing scenes so perfectly. I couldn't have asked for anything more.

* “Sh!” He whispered in her ear as he nibbled it lightly, “You’ll wake the baby.”

Shifting in his arms she turned so that she was laid on her side, facing him. “How long have you wanted to say that?”

“Since the day I met you,” he smiled as he pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose. *

This is top of my list of favourite lines and it made my little DL shipper heart melt even more. *sigh*

Thanks for writing and sharing this, and I can't wait to see what you'll have in store for us next week!
FanWoman18 chapter 1 . 10/15/2009
love it! i was so glad when danny finally walked. i mean they can't keep him in the wheel chair forever can they? great work.
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