Reviews for It was her
FozuzGaoa chapter 2 . 7/4/2011
Very good :) ! I like to have both POV on the same situation.

A fun fact is that Justin have never really liked any of Alex boyfriends in the show, and that indeed Juliet was the only one of Justin's girlfriends that Alex liked ahah :) !
FanficFemale chapter 2 . 10/25/2009
I definately liked the twist on this. I think this was done well.
anditgoeslike chapter 1 . 10/24/2009
HA! I can't leave a proper review now but just saying, this is very interesting/enjoyable to read.
im.a.smut chapter 2 . 10/22/2009
interesting... update soon
Frocked chapter 1 . 10/17/2009
TaleWeaver chapter 1 . 10/17/2009
Hah! I knew it! At least, I knew it about halfway through, but you did a nice job of subtly hinting without coming out and saying it until the end.

I liked your portrayals of Harper and Justin, too, I felt they were very IC; it's perfectly logical that Justin would try dating other girls to get his mind off someone he shouldn't love that way, and it's logical that he'd start with Harper, who cares about him.

I liked the reason you gave for them not continuing to date at the end, too - not just the whole being in love with someone else thing, but that there just weren't any sparks. And after so long around the Russo's, it doesn't surprise me one bit that Harper could tell what was going on - and that her affection (different from her infatuation) for Justin was strong enough to overcome the gentle rejection - and the rejection itself was IC as well, Justin's not inherently cruel. (oddly enough, I think that's one of the reasons that he and Alex work together so well - she can do what he doesn't have the steel to.)
oogajunk chapter 1 . 10/17/2009
I was wondering what was going on when I saw your author name and a Jarper. Then you mention a twist, and I had to read it...just in case it was a Jalex haha. It's probably just because I don't ship Jarper, but I pretty much just endured Justin's dates with Harper, and loved when Alex got all snippy with Justin.

It was still well written. I just don't see the flare between Justin and Harper. Even on the show. Like the "Baby Cupid" episode when Justin was shot by Cupid's arrow. Seeing Justin and Harper together just didn't do it for me. They just didn't click even when Justin was fawning over her. But I digress.
EO4EVER chapter 1 . 10/16/2009
im.a.smut chapter 1 . 10/16/2009
you will find anyway to put Jalex in a story. I loved it. Though I had a funny feeling it was gonna deal with Jalex, but the Jarper plot was beautifully thought out. I love this so much. you are my hero!