Reviews for The More the Craziness, the Less the Sanity
SandyJ62 chapter 1 . 10/19/2009
Crackin' good story! Just what I needed for a frosty Monday afternoon. Funny, silly and spot on character wise. Even though I'm quite the Sasuke fangirl, the thought of Temari kicking around Sasuke for a bit made me smile. Really it's for his own good. The world needs more crack fic and more of Temari and her sand sibs.
CharlieBrownLover21 chapter 1 . 10/18/2009
Oh wow this made me laugh SO hard. I love how Sasuke tried to get back at Temari but it wasn't as good as what she did to him and oh no, POOR NARUTO! _

So funny. Loved it.
