Reviews for Ginger and Free
DroppingGlass chapter 1 . 11/22/2012
What did you do? What did you DO? I think you've broken my brain with just how unbelievably EXCELLENT this story is.

I'll never be able to watch Human Nature ever, ever again...
Leda74 chapter 1 . 1/5/2012
I love Turlough, and I love you. Thank you for this utter gem. I was laughing so hard at several points during the narrative that I had to look away to compose myself before continuing, especially the tin can on a string. Many inelegant giggle-snorts resulted.
Sailoramber chapter 1 . 10/19/2011
'he put up with his sixth incarnation for a full month before strategically hanging back from a confrontation.'

'any particualr rock you had in mind?'

my gods i loved this! i was laughing hysterically the entire time. i'd like to see what other parodies with turlough might occur in your imagination!
korasami chapter 1 . 6/9/2011
all I cas say is, "wow," in a good way. A very, very good way. Well, I'll just go bake cookies with an Ice Warrior, excuse me...
rianess chapter 1 . 7/1/2010
Lady Yate-xel chapter 1 . 2/9/2010
My love for Turlough and my love for "Please make some fucking sense, Doctor Who!" have come together in fic form and significantly improved my day.

Really fantastic. This is the way humor stories are supposed to be done. Not completely over the top, and with actual characters involved rather than shrieking and capslocking cardboard cut outs. The 'You *wanker*' line was so great. Thanks for writing this.
persephonethinx chapter 1 . 10/31/2009
This was absolutely hilarious. I've just recently watched Mawdryn Undead and fell in love with Turlough and his snarkiness.

You did a great job pointing out all of the logical fallacies of Human Nature and The Family of Blood, like actually sneaking away instead of running five steps from the door, and letting the companion keep the watch so JS doesn't lose it.

Favorite parts: "If I say no, will you stop shouting in italics?" "You wanker." "Show that to Jenny, she'll really enjoy it." Pretty much liked the whole thing.
Whas'up chapter 1 . 10/19/2009
That was hilarious, and really wicked awesome.

I love Turlough, and, just thinking, I would love to see how Donna Noble and Turlough would get've never thought of that before...

Great job!