Reviews for James' Misguided Guide
StoryhunterIzumi chapter 1 . 1/28/2019
Like an Eevee in headlights is such a great metaphor! Really like how you used that one! James is such a dork with the food and the sleeping bag. Everyone'd know that would cause Jessie to be angry but James just goes along with it thinking it'll help him.
P chapter 1 . 5/5/2013
Seriously, this is my favorite rocketshippy story ever! :D I adore your style, and the story is so sweet and lovable, and they are so silly and adorable, and it makes the butterflies in my stomach flutter happily! A big YAY for you, and thank you for writing this! :)
GaliCat chapter 1 . 12/5/2011
I love this. So sweet, and so REAL. Poor James goes through emotional hell trying to get over Jessie, and I can almost relate (don't ask, PLEASE).
MissFaerieKaiti chapter 1 . 11/18/2011
xDDD Cuute~ x3
JamesLuver chapter 1 . 10/18/2011
I adore this. It seems so true to both Jessie and James' characters and everything about it was so beautiful. In particular I enjoyed the scene in the submarine as I think it showed off their dynamics very well. Of course James would try to get over Jessie at first, but I'm glad everything worked out okay in the end. The speech in the radio tower was truly moving and their reunion was just as sweet. In all, a wonderful read!
1waystreet chapter 1 . 9/10/2011
that was really sweet ]
snarky Beth chapter 1 . 6/4/2011
Aww. This was such a sweet, sweet story. James' desperation and confession over the radio was so sad and romantic! I'm glad Misty could help them, because they are so wonderful together :).
Camikyra1 chapter 1 . 7/14/2010
Others have said it here, but I'll say it again. This fic reminded why I fell in love with these two, years ago. You answered all the right questions all the while keeping them perfectly in character. If only the actual show could say the same thing! Anyway, great work! Hope to see more!
bibliophileemily chapter 1 . 7/4/2010
This is so adorable and so incredibly well-written! I love it!
Sotai chapter 1 . 3/11/2010
Forgive me my need to paraphrase, but I think it pretty much sums up my opinion: "I adore this." Really convincingly written and well-paced. Wonderfully believable dialogue — internal and external. You've inspired in me the same optimism about the Jessie/James pairing I used to get when reading fics which, sadly, has waned in recent times. It was truly a pleasure to read, so thank you.
LostFairy chapter 1 . 2/11/2010
Oh wow, that was just... fantastic! I absolutely love your writing style, really brings life to the story. This was so emotional at some parts, what James said on the radio broadcast almost had me in tears, possibly the best way he could have admitted he loved her without actually saying it. So moving. Then other parts had me laughing, Meowth really knows how to break up a tender moment between people! Jessie saying 'James was about to have a serious emotional break-through! Can’t you wait for two minutes?' made me laugh so much! And then at the end Misty being the one to tell her really brought it together in my opinion. And the letter at the end was great.

I hope you write more, I love your style and can't wait to read more! Out of interest, I saw someone else mention you have a dA account, what is it?
Tek Sonay chapter 1 . 12/23/2009
Aw . . . that was simply adorable! Fantastic!I do wish that Jesse hadn't been so violent, but well . . . that's just the way she is, isn't she?

Have an awesome day!
Raverine-1013 chapter 1 . 12/19/2009

What a great read. Everyone was so in character. Love the attention to detail.

Great job :)
L100Meganium chapter 1 . 12/1/2009
This is in my favorites at DeviantART too! I just adore this story! _
TourmalineTrue chapter 1 . 11/25/2009
This was a delight to read! So well-written and IC, and it was easy to envision everything that was going on. I marvel at how you seem to “know” Jessie and James. Especially in more recent episodes of the show, I feel like our favorite Rocket duo has sort of lost the old dynamic they used to share together. The idea of James convinced he must get over Jessie, and the reasons why, provided a plausible explanation for why this might be! ;) There were some genuinely funny parts in here, too. Wonderful job!
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