Reviews for A Halloween Happenstance
sachii.ballpoint chapter 1 . 11/25/2014
Still a very good read after all these years, I hope you're well wherever you are now and if you ever decide to come back and write fan fiction, I will be incredibly glad and patiently waiting :)
Jake Long chapter 3 . 5/17/2013
so Natsuki got burned for homosexuality..? yea, i'm quite confused haha
Alphawolf69 chapter 3 . 4/27/2011
I really like this -there aren't many creepy kind-of-horror stories about -and the backstory for the characters was interesting and clever.
Y. Calla chapter 3 . 2/13/2010
Wow this was amazing, you had me hooked when I was supposed to be doing homework. I love how you had all these loose ends that tied up nicely. Although I'm still a little confused, I think I managed to figure out the story behind Shizuru and Natsuki.

I seriously thought Shizuru was a ghost until this chapter.
retratserif chapter 3 . 12/12/2009
This was an interesting story. I really enjoyed how it progressed, looking forward to seeing more from you
il0vesunfl0wers chapter 3 . 11/19/2009
Aw, I'm glad it ended on a happy note (and probably a spicy one, too, bwahaha!) How sad for them, the way they were forced to part, and poor Shizuru for having to deal with the loss in a way she never wanted, but I'm really glad they were reunited, despite the bitterness on Natsuki's part.

That's a nice and romantic take on reincarnation and eternal love. ShizNat forever! X)
eclairz chapter 3 . 11/16/2009
oh wow, oh wow! i can't believe i missed your fic before! OMG, this is awesome! a bit confusing here n there, but still, SUPERB halloween fic EVA!

totally original! -to me, of course... not sure to others-

love it, love it! love the happy ending, for sure! not sure i did be this happy if you make it a sad-ending -chuckles-

great fic, hah~

all the best!
deeactivated chapter 3 . 11/11/2009
Great story! Cool and creative. With a sweetly romantic (Shizuru trying to find Natsuki through all her lives)and romantically tragic (how Natsuki died and Shizuru killed herself) plot that also gave me the chills (the overall supernatural tone to the whole story).

I'm glad they're finally together. The flirting at the end was cute also.

Good job. ]
ShadowCub chapter 3 . 11/11/2009
CRAP, THE end, you really faked me out, I thought

we were dealing with a ghost that was gonna snatch

Natsuki, good swerve~!
SouthpawSwordfighter chapter 3 . 11/10/2009
This might possibly be one of my favorite Natsuki and Shizuru fanfictions. I'm very partial to the way you portrayed both of them, and the mystery is quite intriguing. It would have been interesting to see the reactions of Natsuki's friends, who thought she was acting pretty weird-especially Mai's, after having stopped her from strangling Reito to death.

I think I'm probably still rather confused about everything exactly-the most pressing question being: is Shizuru actually real? She certainly seems like she is at the end, but then I'm not sure exactly what was happening in the first two chapters. Maybe Natsuki was having flashbacks/premonitions/hallucinations before she actually met Shizuru for "real" at the Kanzaki's mansion?

Hmm... despite the unanswered questions and whatever cryptic answer you may or may not give me; it doesn't detract from the story or the ending at all. It's almost a bit disappointing when stories wrap up _every_ loose end and answer _every_ question, isn't it? It kills the beauty of wonder.

I hope you write more fictions on these two in the future. I would definitely read them. Again, excellent job.

krugern chapter 2 . 11/9/2009
Interesting how Natsuki heard a piano and did not notice her friends or hear them. Laughed at Takeda being a scarecrow. Liked how Natsuki got to see Duran. Loved how Shizuru would not really answer Natsuki's questions.
krugern chapter 1 . 11/9/2009
Very cute how Natsuki took Alyssa trick or treating. Liked how Natsuki was drawn by the light. Liked how Shizuru and Kiyohime at first did not realize Natsuki saw them there. Inteteresting how Alyssa found Natsuki and how much time she thought had passed.
dsaANON chapter 3 . 11/8/2009
tht was an awesum halloween fic! u get 2 thumbs up! d()b

had a great halloween atmosphere, description and plot! and i luvd the subtle angst u had during the first 2 chp

it definitely exceeded my expectations! once again gud job and thnx for the fic! -
MissIzzyB chapter 3 . 11/8/2009
Very nice story! Hooray!
Renkhal chapter 3 . 11/8/2009
Wait, so they are reincarnated forms because of something that happened like, forever ago, and Shizuru has remembered it in each life and has been searching for Natsuki?


That's cool!
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