Reviews for Fourteen Minutes
highlander348 chapter 3 . 11/4/2019
Tina chapter 39 . 11/27/2018
Dude I freaking loved this! It felt like a real storybook even though it's fanfiction! Loved the plot, characters, setting, even the drama parts! And wow finding out about who Emily truly was a shocker. Poor Troy. Loved it author!
smartgirlsan chapter 39 . 9/19/2018
Captivating, bewitching a person, heart and soul is an art, the most powerful weapon a writer carries. Few can pen the intense emotions a heart experiences on paper and lead the reader through a rollercoaster of emotions. It is astounding how a person you have never seen or talked to or even heard can compel your notions and emotions so much.
You, my friend did just that. You made me smile with the characters, cry with them and anxious for their life to unfold.
You had a good plot, but the stronger expertise of expression that made me feel is what kept me hooked.
I would be lying is I say I was rooting for Gabriella and not Alicia. I might be biased, may be because Alicia was my favourite throughout. Her character was drafted such that it struck the chord with me almost immediately.
It was an amazing experience reading your story. I started out in search of a good read here after being extremely drained mentally . This helped me rejuvenate and Thank You for that.
I don't know what you do professionally or are pursuing right now, but as an avid reader I would strongly suggest you to give writing a try. You have a connect with reader that keeps him involved and guessing.
All The Best!
xxhsmTGxx chapter 9 . 12/6/2015
I really wish that Alicia would move on from Troy; not just so that he and Gabriella get together, but because it'd be what's best for Alicia. It's awfully sad to hear about their past and how she's seeing him fall in love with someone else AGAIN… At some point, you have to gather enough self-respect to say "I deserve better than this. I deserve reciprocated love and care." and move on to the next person. Troy obviously isn't the one if he's interested in and dating other women.
All these people are recognizing Troy and I'm SO curious as to why! It's almost 1am here, but I'm going to keep reading because this stuff is really captivating.
xxhsmTGxx chapter 5 . 12/6/2015
The slight rivalry for Troy in the taxi scene between Gabriella and Alicia reminds me a lot of the rivalry between Gabriella and Bridget in your "Can't Be Just Friends" story. The connection of the story about shiny objects and Gabriella's interest in Troy was really well crafted. I like this story a lot so far.
Millie79 chapter 39 . 12/6/2015
So I fell completely in love with this story! It was amazing! Don't ever dought yourself because you are an amazing writer! This story has to be one of best stories I have ever read! It was so raw and real and intriguing!
cncgrad02 chapter 1 . 1/25/2015
Wow... it's amazing what details one picks up on in their second read! Yes, this story is a few years old. Yes, I already read it when it was first posted. Yes, I shamelessly admit that I'm re-reading only because I'm currently in between stories. However, I'm taking my time this go 'round and paying more attention to the small details that I somehow managed to skim over before! Like the lead in story about the significance of the number 14 (how did I miss thst before?!) and the brief background into "his"(Troy) life... thank you for making it so captivating!
freefairies chapter 22 . 6/3/2014
That was a Burnnn!
zzzooeloggedout chapter 39 . 7/29/2013
This was a magnificently written story! I don't often leave reviews but I wanted to let you know that I enjoyed it :) xxxx
A chapter 39 . 7/27/2013
Wow that was a lot of fourteens lol
Niazera chapter 39 . 6/14/2013
Wow great story
Blaire chapter 38 . 5/9/2013
Chocolatesinger chapter 39 . 2/24/2013
Absolutely dying. I tried to read this a couple of months ago and couldn't really stomach it, so I moved on. I found it again this morning and just finished it- absolutely fantastic. You did a marvelous job, and I really, really enjoyed the TxG here. It lacked smut but that's okay! Great job.
ABowman20101 chapter 33 . 2/5/2013
anonymous chapter 39 . 2/4/2013
ah-fucking-mazing! seriously, you need to teach every other fucker on fanfiction how to write. I cant help but praise you EVERY SINGLE TIME SOMEONE WRITES "I want reviews on how to make it better" and im like "look, you motherfucker, read runninequalslife, then you'll know what good writing is"
plz keep writing and show these fucking bitches how to write
3 ya
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