Reviews for Amnesia
evalira chapter 1 . 9/23
It's been a minute since the last time I read this, I'm actually surprised I didn't leave a review before, but I am also grateful, because I used to suck at those... God, I forgot how much I like it. It's very nostalgic at this point, takes me back to my teenage years and my heavy fangirling over Gaara, because that's when I found it. I don't know if you are still active or if you get notifications, but just want to let you know that years later you are still entertaining someone, and making her smile with your creation. It's very well written, not that I know much about it, but still... you managed to keep a feeling of suspence, even when I already knew how things ended I just kept bitting my nail.

Thanks for writing it. Hope life is treating you well.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/27/2019
Gomizia chapter 1 . 10/27/2019
i loooove this
CschMan20 chapter 1 . 11/19/2017
This was such an older story that I'm not sure if I should even review it. You wrote it like 8 years ago and that means that any form of criticism would just be seen as outdated and uncalled for. Plus, you've probably already picked up on the subtleties of writing since then. So, I guess, I'll just mention what I liked.

The pacing was pretty good, and your style is crisp in nature. You have a lot of really simple sentences. At the beginning, I was craving some longer ones, but I was able to immerse myself in the simplicity quicker than I had intended. It was enjoyable to become...well...enraptured by your forms of fresh usage.

I think the very best thing I found from your writing was the fact that it didn't seem dull. It kept my attention because it stood out. Hinata and Gaara are already a couple, so you didn't do the classic 'fall in love' schtick. You opted for a 'fall in love again' concept, which is really interesting! I like that, and I think it was a good show of creativity on your part.

I hope that writing is still fun for you and that you keep learning from it! Thanks for writing!
chestnutpoby chapter 1 . 7/3/2017
wowowow~~ Love it!
hzntc chapter 1 . 6/26/2017
omfg so adorable
pprairwa chapter 1 . 8/27/2015
This is the best Gaara & Hinata fiction I've ever read. I would translate it into my languages so my friends can enjoy this story (sorry for my lack of grammar, I'm not really good at it)
Fogfire chapter 1 . 8/19/2015
well, this was.. interesting. I like your pace, first it was calm and everything came after small tiny steps but then it was like running and it was... really interesting. a nice pair I haven't thought about yet. keep writing like that.
satomika chapter 1 . 4/24/2015

Nice! :D
KimilyaTaru chapter 1 . 2/25/2015
i looooooove thiss... i started to read all of your work and all of it are amaziiiiinng!
Tamani chapter 1 . 2/21/2015
love it! Off to read the benefits of amnesia! I though would have thought that hina would have been more anxious about neji because (that she can remember) he is suddenly treating her nice and doesn't look at her with hate or contempt. but I still loved it. Every part!
Juri.DP chapter 1 . 6/16/2014
Oh my lord! It's only this and one other story of yours I haven't read, and I'm so scared to end this sense of excitement I have! Gosh! I'll wait two years or something...

Lady, you have a funny way of making me like pairings I usually detest. I think it's because you don't change anyone's personalities, but fit them according to any given situation, which makes it believable. Gah! No, I can't read the last one, I can't! I won't let it be over!

rne chapter 1 . 4/5/2014
A lovely read, and a lovely couple at that.
SuzameHime chapter 1 . 11/25/2013
This was really good! I really liked your storyline - the idea is something new! Great work :)
MaXdana chapter 1 . 6/20/2013
This was so good! I love this pairing so much and you are so wonderful at keeping them in character.

I need to read the other story now...

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